Title: | 支援豪微米無線個人區域網路環境波束形成技術之通道時間最小化排程演算法 CTAP-Minimized Scheduling with Beamforming Support for Millimeter Wave Based Wireless Personal Area Networks |
Authors: | 許銘珮 Hsu, Ming-Pei 趙禧綠 Chao, Hsi-Lu 資訊科學與工程研究所 |
Keywords: | 豪微米無線個人區域網路;指向性天線;排程;mmWave;directional antenna;802.15.3c;60 GHz;scheduling |
Issue Date: | 2009 |
Abstract: | 最近新興之豪微米無線個人區域網路(millimeter wave based wireless personal area networks),主要提供短距離之極高速網路,支援家用網路環境中未經壓縮的多媒體資料傳輸,此標準由IEEE 802.15.3做進一步延伸而訂定之,且該制訂中草案稱之為IEEE 802.15.3c。然而,在IEEE 802.15.3c所定義的60GHz系統,主要著重於physical layer的部分,在MAC layer則是延用原始IEEE 802.15.3中所提出之架構,由於在原始架構中所使用的天線為全向性天線,而在60GHz系統中,為了解決訊號穿透性差以及path loss嚴重的問題,則是使用指向性天線和beamforming技術,來提高天線增益並稍微擴充傳輸範圍,導致MAC通訊協定的直接延用有許多不適用之處,故我們以設計一個可支援beamforming技術的MAC通訊協定為目標,並希望最終能提升整體的系統產能。
最後以模擬結果呈現IEEE 802.15.3原始MAC的通訊方式以及相關的文獻做法與本篇所提出之演算法的比較,比較範圍包含定位誤差、系統效能以及通道的再利用率,結果顯示所提出之演算法,可藉由不干擾的多對傳輸同時進行提升再利用率,並有效的改善整體的系統產能。 IEEE 802.15.3c has recently been proposed for developing a millimeter-wave (mmWave)-based wireless personal area networks (WPANs), which utilizes 60 GHz license-free spectrum and is capable of providing very high data rate (over 3 Gbps). One feature of IEEE 802.15.3c MAC is that it utilizes beamforming antennas to deal with the problems of high propagation attenuation and path loss. In this paper, we consider the characteristic of beamforming to design an efficient scheduling algorithm. In our designed scheduling algorithm, we takes axis alignment and location determination into consideration to increase both the degree of spatial and directional channel reusability and the overall system performance. We evaluate our approach through simulations. The simulation results show that the designed scheduling algorithm performs well and does achieve its objectives. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/45870 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |