標題: 按圖網購系統
Image based Web e-shopping Systems
作者: 廖祐楷
Liao, Yo-Kai
Fu, Hsin-Chia
關鍵字: 圖片搜尋;圖片檢索;網購;Image Search;Image Retrieval;e-shopping
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 現在有多個拍賣網站,買家要比價要每個網站都去,很麻煩。所以我用程式將多個拍賣網站的資料下載到我的電腦,並架設了一個網站,使用者只要在我的網站搜尋就可以找到多個拍賣網站的物品。 本篇論文實作了實驗室研發的搜尋圖片的方法「色彩集群」,使用主色彩產生的點圖計算兩張圖片之間的相似度。將這個圖片搜尋方法結合拍賣網站下載的資料,使用者可以用圖片找到多個拍賣網站中的相似物品。
There are many auction sites, buyer has to price relations to each site, it’s very troublesome. I download data of each auction site with program, and set up my website. User can simply search in my site, and he can search items of each auction site. In this paper, I implemented “Color Clustering” which is a method of search images researched by my lab. The method is to compute similarity with bitmaps generated by dominant color. The method combine with the data downloaded in each auction sites, user can find similar items by image.


  1. 555601.pdf

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