標題: 車用環境無線存取技術下之行動管理
Mobility Management for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments
作者: 陳紫靈
Chen, Chi Ling
Lin, Yi-Bing
關鍵字: 車用環境無線存取技術;WAVE短訊通訊協定;WAVE;WSMP
公開日期: 2009
摘要: Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) 提供無縫的車間通訊服務。WAVE Short Message Protocol (WSMP) 中提出廣播服務,但沒有定義單點廣播的行動管理來追蹤車輛位置。因此本論文提出位置追蹤程序使得車輛能被正確追蹤並接收單點廣播訊息,並提出利用定位系統 (例如:GPS) 對高速移動車輛來進行基於預測的行動管理。本論文進行效能分析,研究結果顯示,基於預測的行動管理在效能上比傳統蜂巢式行動管理有顯著的改善。
Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) provides seamless and interoperable services for vehicles. The WAVE Short Message Protocol (WSMP) provides broadcast services but does not define unicast services that require mobility management to track the locations of the vehicles. In this thesis we devise location tracking procedure so that an Onboard Unit (OBU) can be tracked and receive unicast messages, and propose a prediction-based mobility management mechanism by utilizing a positioning system (e.g., GPS) for high-speed vehicles. We conduct performance study which indicates that our approach can significantly reduce the network traffic as compared with the traditional cellular mobility management approach.
Keywords: WAVE, WSMP