標題: 3GPP毫微基地台之負載平衡研究
Study of Load Balance in 3GPP Femto-cell Network
作者: 李忠炘
Li, Chung-Shin
Chao, Hsi-Lu
關鍵字: 毫微基地台;服務品質;負載平衡;3GPP;femto-cell;QoS;load balancing
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 不像大型基地台能夠使用很寬的頻帶,毫微基地台能使用的頻帶有所限制,因此可達到的總傳輸速度會比大型基地台還小;另外,毫微基地台有可能與其他裝置共用後端的實體線路頻寬,例如桌上型電腦。因此,相較於大型基地台,毫微基地台可同時服務的行動裝置數量將會有所限制。
The usable frequency bandwidth of femto-cells is narrower than macro BSs’. Hence, the total data rate of femto-cells is lower than macro BSs’; besides, the backhaul of femto-cells may be shared by other devices, such as PC. The number of concurrently connecting users is restricted by those reasons mentioned above.
Many load balance methods consider one parameter only. Although the evaluated performance affected by that parameter works well, other performance affected by non-considered parameters may not work well. In order to overcome the weakness mentioned above, we propose a load balance method that considers the movement of user equipment (UE), QoS requirement and the load balance index between femto-cells.
Assume that the coverage area of a femto-cell is partially overlapped with another femto-cell, and there are many UEs within the partially overlapping area. Firstly, we use the magnitude and variation of signal to noise ratio (SNR) to estimate the remaining time index of a UE within the overlapping area. Secondly, we make use of the remaining resource of a femto-cell to calculate the remaining bandwidth, and then we use the acquired remaining bandwidth to calculate the satisfaction index of a UE. Thirdly, we use the loading of those femto-cells to calculate the load balance index. Finally, based on those three indexes mentioned above, we choose a UE to handover for the purpose of load balance, and we propose two strategies to select the UE. We describe the performance evaluation and explain it in chapter 5.


  1. 651101.pdf

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