Title: 3C通路業在中國的佈局策略與營運模式 - 以百腦匯為例
The Strategy Deployment and Operation Models of 3C Chain Store Industry-Taking the Buynow as an Example
Authors: 林志崧
Lin, Jyhe-Song
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 3C 通路產業;佈局策略;營運模式;3C Chain Store Industry;Strategy Deployment;Operation Model
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 2001 年12 月中國加入WTO,2004 年12 月中國連鎖零售市場全面開放後,更多的外國企業進入中國投資,外國的投資企業不僅帶來了資金和技術,而且帶來了成熟的企業經營管理理念,使得中國有機會充分運用國際和其國內市場,持續維持其高成長的經濟發展。 2007 年美國的次貸風暴,延續至2008 年引爆了全球金融海嘯,全球面臨1930 年代經濟大蕭條以來最嚴重的經濟發展困境,而中國藉由2008 年的北京奧運會及2010 年上海世博會等國際重要活動的舉行,積極從事城市基礎與交通建設,不斷地吸引國際間服務產業的投資,成功地將中國從世界的工廠轉型為世界的市場。 中國加入WTO 後,國際連鎖零售業積極地進入中國市場,藉由不斷地倂購和聯盟搶佔中國3C 連鎖零售通路的市佔率,中國前二大的家電連鎖零售業國美電器與蘇寧電器積極地跨足3C 通路,美國的3C 通路巨擘百思買,和歐洲第一大3C 通路商麥德隆也積極藉由倂購和聯盟的策略開拓市佔率,全球最大的資訊代工製造商鴻海轉投資賽博數碼及筆記型電腦製造商藍天電腦轉投資百腦匯IT 電腦連鎖商場等的競相投入,使中國的3C 通路市場跨入了競爭激烈的戰國時代。 本研究的主要目的在探討十年來中國3C 通路業的佈局策略與營運模 式,藉由次級資料的蒐集、整理與深入訪談,進一步探討各通路商在其各自的專業經營背景下所擬定的佈局策略與營運模式,深入地研究中國3C通路的發展,為通路商未來在中國3C 通路的佈局策略與營運模式提供參考。 本研究深入研究分析後,提出下列八點建議,提供通路商的專業經理人未來在中國擬定策略與營運模式時參考: 1、嚴謹選址的展店擴點,Location、Location、Location,黃金商圈才能創造龐大人潮, 帶來營運效益。 2、重視商業不動產商場在黃金商圈的增值效益。 3、自有物業的整體規劃,提昇3C 通路購物環境,才能創造專業化服務的品牌通路。 4、加強通路品牌價值與認知,建立消費者品牌忠誠度。 5、於三、四級城市, 加強異業水平的整合,擴大通路市佔率。 6、提昇創造現金流的能力,穩健的現金流才能對抗市場不確定的風險。 7、專業服務通路人才的培訓與教育,人才將成為未來決戰最重要的因素之一。 8、整合實體通路與虛擬通路,運用實體通路的優勢,創造虛擬通路的價值。
In December 2001, China became a member of WTO, three years later,Chinaopened up the retail market to the world in accordance with the conditions of WTO membership. More multinational corporations entered China with not only capitals and technology, but also know-how of business management. The wonderful marriage of new concepts and new market has helped China maintain her high economic growth. American subprime mortgage crisis in 2007 and the global financial tsunami in 2008 have caused the worst economic disaster since the Great Recession in the 1930s,but China has successfully absorbed cross-border investment in ervice industry through rapid construction of infrastructure and grand events such as the 2008 Olympic Games and the 2010 Shanghai Exposition. These efforts have transformed China from a labor supplier of the world to a market of the largest population of consumers. Including digital product suppliers, international etailers entered Chinese market agressively through merging,acquisition and strategic alliance. Gome Electronical Appliance and Suning Appliance are the No.1 and No.2 household appliance chain store systems in China, they were racing against the Best Buy from the U.S. and Metro Group from Europe who are actively expanding their market shares throughout China. Later Cyber Mart invested by Honhai Precision and Buynow invested by Notebook manufacturer Clevo also joined the competition, making the retail of electronic products the most competitive game in China. This thesis investigates the strategies and operation models deployed by retailers in China over the past ten years. Through collecting and analyzing information as well as interviews, this study discusses how these retailers have developed their sale strategies and managerial methology. The findings of this study might provide future investors and administrators of related business valuable information and opinions. After a thorough exploration, this thesis proposes eight suggestions for professional retail administrators who are having business in China: 1.Good locations for stores should be the prior consideration of expansion. A store at busy place will bring business easily because of the high frequence of visitors. 2.Consider the total value of real estate when expanding stores at busy areas. 3.Present the shopping environment and products with an integral planning to nhance the image of professional service. 4.Strengthen consumers' recognition and trust of the retailer to establish brand loyalty. 5.Build up alliance with different industries in rising cities to expand market share. 6.Increase cash flow to resist the risks due to the uncertain factors in the market. 7.Cultivate professional trainees because professionalism of employees will be the crucial factor of competition in this market in the future. 8.Incorporate online sale and store sale, increase the advantages of online sale through the transections made at stores.
Appears in Collections:Thesis