標題: 台灣蝴蝶蘭產業競爭策略之研究-以個案A 公司為例
Research on Taiwanese Phalaenopsis Industry’s Competibilities and Business Strategy – a Case of Firm A
作者: 張驥
Chang, Chi
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 蝴蝶蘭;農業科技;營運策略;產業價值鏈;Phalaenopsis;agriculture technologies;business strategies;sector value chain
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 台灣蝴蝶蘭長久以來憑藉著豐富的育種經驗,得天獨厚的地理環境,以及業者努力 經營,使得台灣被公認為蝴蝶蘭王國。近年來荷蘭以企業化經營、標準化流程及專業化 行銷開始擴大全球市場。同時中國仗持廣大種植面積,低廉的勞動力,擠身全球蝴蝶蘭 市場。目前台灣蘭花育種及培植技術居領先地位,種植經驗更是公認為台灣發展蝴蝶蘭 產業的優勢之一。在蝴蝶蘭產業因全球化而面臨更加嚴峻競爭的今天,台灣應繼續維持 既有優勢,積極推動自有品牌並擁有育種技術、建立無病毒優良品質之國際形象,並且 思考創造更高的附加價值,由此找出台灣蝴蝶蘭未來國際競爭力核心所在。 本研究以台灣蝴蝶蘭產業為對象,經由個案公司的深入訪談方式,瞭解台灣蝴蝶蘭 業者具有的優勢,找出新的挑戰來源,調整行銷及營運的策略方向,與國內、外業者整 合並運用台灣的銷售經驗與制度,積極拓展國際市場。
The phalaenopsis from Taiwan has long been identified as “A kindom of Orchid”. Taiwan’s subtropical with high altitude climate is particularly suitable for developing phalaenopsis business. Vendors in Taiwan are known as very skillful and experienced. Nevertheless, new threats from European and Chinese are getting some market share. Profit margins are tightening, and competities around the world are getting fierce. New business strategies are crucial to keep competence. These strategies include more efforts on developing new breeds of phalaenopsis, breeds with virus-free, high value-add varieties and well defined marketing strategies. Most important of all, Taiwan must identify its own core value of the industry, and be able to integrate the value chain. This thesis report covers the updates from both global phalaenopsis sector and in Taiwan. It will discover the strength, weakness, opportunities and treats of Taiwanese phalaenopsis industry. A related case study will be brought out as an example of how Taiwanese adjust business strategies to meet the constant change from global business climates. Through the interview, we are able to find out the core values of the vendor and how they focus on value-add products. Every business has constantly facing challenges from competitors, business trends and sometimes financial markets. Only a well in place business will go through ripples of challenges.


  1. 152301.pdf

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