Title: 造紙業事業廢棄物能源化之投資效益分析
Economy Evaluation on Investment of Waste to Energy in Paper Industry
Authors: 李志宏
Lee, Chih-Hung
Ding, Cherng
Keywords: 固態衍生燃料;造紙業事業廢棄物;廢棄物資源化;綠色競爭力;densified refuse derived fuel (d-RDF or RDF-5);industry waste;waste to energy (WTE);green competitiveness
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 台灣造紙業廢紙利用率高達七成以上名列世界第一,每年回收使用國內廢紙近三百萬公噸。而造紙廠所回收之廢紙除製程所需之廢紙外亦夾雜了部份於紙類使用或回收時所夾雜之廢棄物,造紙廠回收造紙所需之纖維後將廢棄物自製程排出。其廢棄物含量近年來亦有逐年增加趨勢,其中又以屬可燃物之廢塑膠及廢紙混合物最多。處理方式由早期衛生掩埋至今之焚化處理,除處理費用高之外亦不符合目前廢棄物資源化及永續發展之潮流。 近年來國內相關單位嘗試將於日本及歐盟處理都市一般廢棄物極為成功之固態衍生燃料推廣於生質能發電,亦訂定優惠收購電價鼓勵投資設置。但因廢棄物固態衍生燃料發電鍋爐投資金額高致投資效益不佳且營運風險亦高至今國內尚無實績。 本研究擬將固態衍生燃料技術運用於造紙廠內廢棄物處理,並將製成之固態衍生燃料做為廠內既有燃媒鍋爐之替代燃料以減少投資金額降低投資風險。並藉資本預算效益分析手法評估投資效益及風險,並分析非財務效益與風險及執行策略以供相關決策參考。 本個案研究以每日處理100噸事業廢棄物,投資二億元,十年壽期內投資效益高達淨現值2.62億元;內部報酬率32.6%及回收年限2.9年。且每年可減少溫室氣體排放量約二萬噸,及廢棄物排放三萬餘噸,對環境及社會貢獻頗大。未來如徵收碳稅時因排碳低其碳稅亦隨之降低,因此投資效益將更高。 在溫室氣體減量已成為全球共識下,「碳限制」必將是企業所必須面對議題。其能源價格上漲及減碳壓力分別將使能源成本及減碳成本增加。但另一方面,綠色生產鏈及綠色產品亦將是產品競爭力的重要指標。本投資計畫不但投資效益高且完成後將使產品單位排碳量更低而且更符合綠色產品,亦即本投資計畫既符合友善環境清潔生產,又可降低成本提高競爭力,實屬極佳之投資計畫。
The utilization rate of waste paper is more than 70% in Taiwan. It is ranked number one in the world. Every year almost 300 million tons of waste paper is collected, including wastes associated with the use of paper products. The recycling process typically extracts waste paper fiber and eliminates the unnecessary waste products. However, the ratio of non-paper waste has increased yearly, in particular combustible plastic and mixed-paper products, which traditionally have been disposed of by costly methods such as incineration or landfill. However both methods have been deemed uneconomical in today’s day and age and do not align with the philosophy of recycling for sustainability. In recent years affiliated organizations in Taiwan have tried following the footsteps of Japan and European Union by converting municipal wastes into densified refuse derived fuel (d-RDF or RDF-5), used as biomass for power generation. Incentives that compensate favorably for power generated by these facilities are also passed. Nevertheless due to the high investment of boilers for RDF-5 leading to its low economical return, as well as the high risk of operation, the technology has not yet employed in the country. This study aims to apply the concept of RDF-5 in the paper industry by converting wastes into RDF-5 and using them as substitute fuel for process boilers of the paper mill itself in hopes of lowering the cost and risk of investment. Furthermore, capital budgeting analysis will be applied on investment return and risk management related to decision-making. The study examines a paper mill that produced around 100 tons of industrial wastes daily with 200 million NT. dollars investment, net present value of 262 million dollars, internal rate of return 32.6%, and payback period of investment of 2.9 years. Additionally, the facility achieved the annual reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission by 20,000 tons and waste production by 30,000 tons. The case study shows that RDF-5 is of great benefit to the environment and the society. The chance of being taxed for carbon emission is also lowered which further demonstrates the advantage of investing in RDF-5. In the event of increased awareness of global warming, carbon-constrained is a consideration for every major corporation. With additional challenges such as skyrocketed oil price and the pressure to reduce carbon emission, the operating cost will be likely to increase accordingly. On the other hand, having “green products” and “production green” increase the competitiveness of the corporation. The proposal shows that RDF-5 is superior to current practices of waste management of paper industry due to the fact that it is cost-effective, environment friendly, and can improve the competitiveness of the product.
Appears in Collections:Thesis