標題: 破壞性創新個案研究-以A公司為例
A Case Study of Disruptive Innovations: Company A
作者: 劉冠麟
Liu, Kuan-Lin
Chu, Po-Young
關鍵字: 破壞性創新;技術採用生命週期;跨越鴻溝;SoC;Disruptive Innovation;Technology Adoption Life Cycle;Cross Chasm;SoC
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究以質化研究法進行A公司破壞性創新案例探討,透過分析結果,作為提供A公司制訂產品策略之參考。本研究發現A公司自改組後,致力於綠能產品:以類比IC產品為例,投入於LED照明驅動IC及電源管理 IC之研發;以SoC產品為例,投入自由軟體平台之SoC 。然而就哈佛大學教授克里斯汀生的破壞性創新理論而言,A公司之電源管理IC屬持續創新產品,LED照明驅動IC屬低階市場之破壞性創新產品,而自由軟體平台SoC則屬創造新市場之破壞性創新產品。市場利基不同,因此發展策略也有所差異。
This research has adopted a qualitative research methodology to explore the company A from disruptive innovation perspectives. Since the reorganization of the subject company A, it has committed to green energy products: for analog IC products, for example, it has invested in LED lighting driver IC and power management IC; for SoC products, for example, it has engaged into the free software platform SoC. As the disruptive innovation theory is concerned, the company A is continuously developing innovation power management IC products, the LED illumination driver IC could be categorized into a targeting the low-end market, while the free software platform to create an SoC is a new market disruptive innovation. As market partitioning differs, strategies have to change accordingly.