標題: 產品技術成熟後進者進入市場的發展策略_以三星筆記型電腦及Apple iPad為例
Follower Market Development Strategies with Mature Product Technology: A Case Study of Samsung Notebook and Apple iPad
作者: 黃彥翔
Huang, Yen-Hsiang
Chu Po-Young
關鍵字: 三星電子;筆記型電腦;價值創造;Samsung Electronics;Notebook;Value Creation
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 三星電子在DRAM、TFT-LCD、液晶電視生產等產品都已達成世界第一的地位。然而筆記型電腦這個產品在三星電子中相較於其他產品,仍是一個發展中的產品。這一個對於三星電子而言雖是一個新興的事業群,然而在市場上卻是一個相對技術成熟的產品,向來以世界第一為目標的三星集團,如何發揮本身的核心能力,將這一個技術相對成熟的產品推向世界的舞台,是一個值得探討的研究。 本研究將藉由三星電子手機事業部及蘋果電腦iPad成功的產品行銷策略經驗來引用探討,產品如何在產品技術成熟的市場中創造產品的價值,進而贏得消費者並在市場中壯大成為世界第一。
Samsung Electronics Co. is worldwide No. 1 in DRAM, TFT-LCD and LCD TV products now. Whereas, compared with those products, Samsung’s Notebook is still under development. Notebook is relatively mature in terms of product technology; nevertheless, it is an emerging market segment to Samsung Electronics Co. Always targeting to be worldwide No. 1, how the Samsung group utilize its own core competence to push Notebook to the world market is an .interesting ability to explore. Hereby employing Samsung Electronics mobile and Apple iPad such two successful products with then marketing strategies and experiences as precedent to deliver the way how to create product value in a mature market, to win consumers and finally to at here worldwide No.1.