Title: 以語意為基礎之佛典知識結構在計算機中的表達-以心經為例
Computerized Expression of the Buddhist Scripture Knowledge Structure Based on Semantics-Using the Heart Sutra as an Example
Authors: 黃郁婷
Huang, Yu-Ting
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 心經;語意;科判;詞彙分析;知識建構;知識結構;Heart Sutra;semantic;Ke-Pan;sentence analysis;knowledge creation;knowledge structure
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract:   由於古漢語在語言結構上的特質,以及佛典譯法的不同,使得古漢文佛典在資訊檢索上很難達到最佳化的效果,本文以《心經》為例,嘗試利用詞彙分析與結構化知識表達的方法,透過漢文佛典的知識結構-科判為中心軸,一方面探討計算機中佛典多版本呈現問題,另一方面藉由詞彙語意聯繫以窺探佛典知識全貌及佛教教理知識體系。

Because classical Chinese and modern Chinese have different syntax, and because there are different ways of translating sutras into classical Chinese, it is difficult to effectively search for Chinese expressions (classical or modern) in classical Chinese translations of sutras.

This thesis demonstrates one way to solve this problem, by analyzing sentences into phrases and structuring the phrases, using the Heart Sutra as an example.

Ke-Pan is used as the central idea to connect the different classical Chinese translations of the sutra, and at the same time to give an overview of the sutra’s structure. The purpose is to let users use existing software tools to structure the information in the sutra, so a user can establish his or her own Knowledge-based systems for the sutra and can also use points of connection to give an overview of the ideas in the sutra.
Appears in Collections:Thesis