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dc.contributor.authorYang, Su-Lingen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Chun-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Chun- Hsunen_US
dc.description.abstract多元化社會下,科技的研發使生活更方便,卻也影響身體機能無法適度發揮,讓文明病伺機而入。依據世界衛生組織(WHO)的危險因子研究顯示,缺乏體能活動,每年造成全世界死亡人數達兩百萬人以上;靜態生活型態增加疾病的發生,同時使心血管疾病、糖尿病及肥胖罹患的危險性增加兩倍,更增加大腸癌、高血壓、骨質疏鬆症、憂鬱症、焦慮症罹患的機會,缺乏運動已成為現代人的主流現象。 人是企業之本,由於企業國際化與資訊化的發展,自然資源和資金已經不再是企業競爭的唯一優勢,企業致勝的關鍵已轉向人力的健康才是永續發展的基礎。以高科技產業而言,操作人員乃為最基層之員工,一家企業的營運與企業文化的維繫,基層員工的表現有很重要的關係。 職場推行健康促進計畫的成功與否,要考慮的因素有很多;本研究探討的內容分成二部份,一部份為針對高科技產業之女性操作人員進行職場健康促進認知及需求和生活型態調查問卷調查;第二部份為K公司健康促進管理方式及成效說明,於99 年 7 月發放 150份問卷,回收150份,問卷內容設計包括基本變項、職場健康促進認知及需求、危害健康行為(吸菸/嚼檳榔/飲酒習慣)、生活型態(飲食行為、活動行為)等分佈狀況及關聯性進行研究並以統計軟體SPSS13.0跑出的結果進行分析,研究發現C公司1/2以上之女性操作人員對公司健康促進活動由專人推行及公司有定期評估健康活動之成效認知不足。夜班、30歲以下之族羣有飲酒習慣且飲食習慣不佳也較多。夜班、年資4年以下有吸煙習慣較多,整體而言夜班的生活型態較差,依上述之結果,建議公司可以針對班別、年齡、年資之不同,安排不同的健康促進活動。期望可提供給未來健康促進計畫人員之規劃方向以及推動健康促進時的參考,以增加職場健康促進計畫之效益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn a pluralistic society, the development of technology has made our lives much easier. However, technology also affects our bodies to not be fully functional and allows many modern maladies to attack us. According to WHO’s research on risk factors, lacking physical activities causes more than two million death tolls all over the world. A static life-style increases disease and has increased the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. Moreover, it increases the risk of colorectal cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, depression and anxiety. The lacking of exercise has become the mainstream phenomena for modern people. People are the foundation of the enterprise. As a result of enterprise internationalization and information development, the natural resource and the fund are no longer the only competitive advantage. The subdue key for enterprise has turn to the manpower health which is the sustainable development foundation. For high tech industry, operational personnel are the basis. The business operation and culture are connected to the performance of basic personnel. There are several factors need to be considered to implement Healthy Promotion Plan in the working environment. This essay is going to be divided into two sections to discuss this issue. Firstly, the results of Healthy Promotion Plan questionnaires stressed on health recognition and life style will be carried out especially aiming at female operating staff in high-tech industry. Secondly, the management and performance of Healthy Promotion Plan in K Company will be stated. The design of the questionnaire included basic variables, career healthy recognition and requirements, perniciousness behaviors (smoking, chewing betel nut, drinking, and etc.), and life style (diet and other activities). Total 150 questionnaires were delivered to target groups in July 2010, all of them had been effectively replied. The distribution and correlations of different variables were analyzed by SPSS 13.0. The result of the investigation revealed that over half of female operators in C company were lack of recognition to that a team is responsible for health promotion plan and performance review. It also showed that nigh-shift and group under 30 year-old got drink and bad diet habits. Moreover, night-shift and group whose recognized seniority was less than four years got smoking behavior. In general, worse life style were discovered in the night-shift. Base on the above-mentioned, it is suggested that companies could arrange different health promotion activities among each shift, age, and seniority group. It is expected that a better and more efficient direction could be provided or referenced for future health promote plans through this dissertation.en_US
dc.subjecthealth improvementen_US
dc.subjectlife styleen_US
dc.titleThe discussion for high- tech industry to promotion health improvement and female operates life styleen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis