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dc.contributor.authorLi, Wen-Chiehen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Chiun-Hsunen_US
dc.contributor.authorLei, Ming-Yuanen_US
dc.description.abstract危險物品場所申請設立時,須先取得各項執照合法使用,並於工廠設立後政府相關部門定期實施檢查、不定期實施抽查,目的在於預防意外事故的發生;對於未依法申請之違法危險物品場所,因其未符合相關法令之規範,再加上缺乏完善的安全管理制度,較易發生意外事故,有如不定時炸彈一般,對公共安全造成重大威脅。因此,取締非法危險物品場所,維護公共安全,乃是刻不容緩的議題。 本研究旨在對於地下油行油品來源、摻配原因及獲利因素,透過取締經驗、專家訪談與問卷調查的方法,探討如何抑制地下油行的設置及對違法經營者是否須持續追蹤,並由基層人員的觀點,瞭解查察時裝備器材是否足夠與偵察的困難點、查緝後所面臨各方的壓力、是否受到報復等,藉由理論與實務的相互結合,對地下油行組織生態作詳細的探討。 經由案例蒐集與問卷統計結果,有助於增進對地下油行之瞭解,在查察勤務的編排實施有效的管控,對於非法轉售油品之漁船和漁港加油站實施必要的處罰,杜絕補助用油的轉售;亦藉由地下油行選擇設置地點的特徵、四周地理環境與經營模式等因素,勾勒出類似犯罪地圖之相對熱區,運用「20/80理論」以最少的人力資源,達到最佳化查察效果;另政府權責機關增加檢舉獎金,能促進民眾檢舉非法之意願,使「破窗理論」效益得以發揮,減少於社區非法營業;添購專業搜查設備、提升犯罪違規事證掌控,在末端做好防範,阻絕危害產生「骨牌效應」之發生,使有限的人力作更有效率的運用,降低區域性公共安全危害。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWhen apply for establishing the hazardous materials storage place, applicants could only obtain building licenses after these items have been approved qualified.The periodic and irregular inspections of factories aim to prevent incidents from happening and to ensure the public against accidents. Unapproved factories or buildings are more likely to cause accidents when compared to licensed ones owning to the inadequate safety management system, which also threaten public safety like ticking bombs. Therefore, it is crucial to clamp down on the illegal place of hazardous materials to secure the public against hazards. The purpose of this study is on the basis of petroleum source, mix causes and profit factor for illicit petroleum industry, through clampdown experience, experts interview and survey to analyze how to restrain illicit petroleum store build up and whether if keep tracking on illegal operators. Further more, in accordance with outlook of basic staff, to find out if the device is enough and what the difficulty is when inspecting, and the coming pressure after examining as well as whether facing spite revenge or not. Through theory and practice combination to dissect the organization and circumstance of illicit petroleum industry. Cases collection and survey statistics are helpful to comprehend with illicit petroleum industry, it enhances control efficiency on routine inspection arrangement, and can carry out imperative punishment for reselling petrol illegally in fishing vessels and petrol stations at fishing ports to eliminate from subsidy petroleum resale. Moreover, according to the features of location selecting, environment and operating mode causes to sketch out the similar criminal map with opposite hot area, then apply 20/80 rules to expect to achieve the best examining performance with least manpower. Furthermore, the authorities should increase informant reward to encourage people’s wills of informing against crime, thus the benefits of Broken Windows Theory can be fully played in reducing illegal operation in community. Purchase specialized facilities for ransacking and improve abilities of monitoring in crime evidence, take complete precautions against danger happen as domino effect, hence accomplish the most effective in personnel arrangement as well as reduce hazards in regional public safety.en_US
dc.subjectillegal oil industryen_US
dc.subject20/80 rulesen_US
dc.subjectBroken Windows Theoryen_US
dc.subjectdomino effecten_US
dc.subjecthazardous materialsen_US
dc.titleHazards of illegal oil industry and its investigation and seizing essentialsen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis