Title: 海水淡化應用於工業用水資源之研究-以中部科學工業園區為例
The desalinization process of sea water applied to the industrial water resource for the central Taiwan science park
Authors: 耿政廷
Keywords: 海水淡化;工業用水資源;中部科學工業園區;desalinization process;sea water;central Taiwan science park
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 鑑於台灣近年來天候的異常加上地形上的關係,自然性取得之水資源保存甚多困難,工業用水缺水問題可能越來越嚴重。海水取之不盡又用之不竭,利用海水淡化技術產出淡化水亦應用於工業用水資源。本研究旨在探討中台灣地區水資源的分配情勢,並研究海水淡化水作為科技工業園區替代性工業用水源的可行性分析。研究採用調查、利用小型海水淡化模擬測試場運轉及資料數據分析的方法,實際取得數據及處理量的方式,來評估利用RO逆滲透法海水淡化技術,應用於工業水資源供應上的成本分析。 調查結果發現倘經濟發展達所定目標且更蓬勃,推估至2016年中部地區工業用水量成長比例將高達80.2%,台中地區缺水問題亦預估為滿足民國110年用水量,仍有每日19萬噸的供水缺口。藉由小型海水淡化場模擬運轉操作結果之分析,其中電力消耗費用佔了59%、運轉耗材費用(包含人力、保養維護等)佔了19%及化學加藥費用則佔了22%,以電力消耗費用最大,亦言若能降低電力消耗就能節省單位淡化產水成本。小型海水淡化試驗機組統計出之操作成本約為17.27元(未含運輸配送成本),此成本在現階段海水淡化每噸生產成本仍偏高,相較一般自來水費幾乎高出近二倍。再依小型海水淡化場所得數值以統計方式得到的關係式,本研究取得之產水量與耗電量間的相關聯性R值為0.49。經本研究探討結果中部地區工業用水缺水問題預期10~20年可能發生,除了更推動節約用水及回收水再利用的觀念,更應積極地開發取得新興水源。而線性迴歸取得模擬場產水量與耗電量間的相關聯性R值為0.49,此關聯係數不高,可能因為操作條件、海水水質、人員訓練、設備性能或檢驗頻率等因素影響所造成的數據失真而產生變異,然依圖解趨勢線延伸可看出,產水量愈大耗電量就愈大的事實。
In Taiwan, natural water resources are more difficult to be held and the problem of industrial water supply is getting serious due to the influence of unusual weather condition recently and its varied topography. Seawater is easy to get and endless supply in Taiwan. Hence, the utilization of desalination of seawater can provide not only desalinated fresh water in people’s livelihood but also industrial water in factories. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of usage of water resources in central Taiwan and to analyze the practicability of substitution of desalinated water for industrial water supply in industrial parks. The work was based on method of inquiry and model of a small-scaled seawater desalination factory. The operating data of the experiment factory was collected and the effectiveness of technology of reverse osmosis (RO) process in desalination of seawater was evaluated. The investigation results revealed that the percentage of required industrial water supply is about 80.2 in 2016 if the growth of economic achieves presume goal and even more vigorous in Taiwan. Moreover, the shortage of water supply in 2021 is roughly 19 tons per day in central Taiwan. The simulation results revealed that the operating cost in a desalination factory is about 59% in power, 19% in general operating, and 22% in chemicals. The average operating cost is near 17.27 NT dollars per unit, and it is currently near twice of fresh water in livelihood and still non-tolerable. Moreover, the correlative coefficient R was about 0.49 of the generated desalinated water to the required power supply. The value was not higher enough to indicate the physical relationship between these two factors resulting in some uncertain factors, such as conditions of desalinated operation, quality of seawater, training of operators, performance of equipment, or frequency of testing, et al. Notable, the simulation results indicated a fact that the more the amount of generated desalinated water the more the required power supply.
Appears in Collections:Thesis