標題: 工程契約中變更設計增刪項目及工作數量爭議類型探討
Study of controversial of increase or decrease work items for changes design in engineering lease.
作者: 吳介山
Wu, Chieh-Shan
Hung, Shih-Lin
關鍵字: 變更設計;工程爭議;工程契約;Change Order;Contract;Dispute
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 工程契約中常定有「契約變更設計條款」,約定在工程契約執行中,因不可預知之情況發生,或者業主有變更設計之需求時,雙方當事人得經一定程序改變契約內容,「報酬」和「工期」乃工程契約的兩大要素,若工程有變更設計,對兩者皆會產生重大的影響甚至不公,導致實務上常常爭議不斷。為何契約變更會產生爭議?是因為哪些問題而產生?是契約規範不明確亦或是其他因素。 本研究乃藉由相關文獻資料之蒐集,了解何謂契約、工程契約的性質、類型以及契約內對於變更設計有哪些相關規定。並針對業界工程較常發生之爭議類型做基本問卷調查,了解工程執行時的狀況。因工程契約爭議態樣繁多,無法臚列殆盡、逐一探究,本文將以國內公共工程常見爭議類型為探討範圍,以工程契約中變更所增刪項目及工作數量爭議類型為探討主軸,做深入的研究與分析其之所以會發生的原因並提出解決方法。 根據本文研究得到以下幾個結論:1.透過文獻資料與問卷調查統計分析,共彙整出工程契約的五大爭議類型,分別為變更爭議、解釋爭議、延遲索賠爭議、驗收爭議及保固爭議;2. 經由統計得知這五大爭議類型中又以變更爭議類型為最常發生且因增刪工作項目及工作數量之原因而產生爭議事件最為常見;3. 針對爭議問題提出三個解決方法,分別為減少變更設計、速訂定有關工程變更設計作業規定及工程主管機關應適時調整風險分攤比例。
Conventionally, the additional clause of request of change design is one of clauses in engineering contract and noticeably appoints that ask of design change during the effecting period of contract due to occurring of uncertain conditions or the inquire of owns. Two sides of contract have to follow established procedures to alter the corresponding contains of the contract. Reward and time-limit of the project are often two major factors in engineering contracts and may construct significant influence, unfair for both sides, and continual dispute when a request of change design rises. This study first revised what are engineering contracts, the properties as well as types of the engineering contracts, and the contains of contract about the provisions of change design based on literatures compilation and analysis. Also, a question nail was create and answered by corresponding construction engineers to conclude the argument types for request of change design in public work. Among most normally argument types in Taiwan, this study focused on investigation the causes as well as seeking corresponding solutions for the issue of altering of working items and qualities in contract. Finally, the study concluded five major disputes in engineering contract: change design, giving explanation, delay in claimant, check and accept, and engineering warranty. Among these five arguments, request of change design was the most dispute issue and altering of working items and qualities were the most important factors. Finally, the study recommended that the issues can be solved via reducing request of change design, concluding a practicable specification for change design, and adjusting the rate of risk-sharing between both sides of contract.