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dc.contributor.authorHuang, Chun-Haoen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Tai-Shenen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣主機板產業自2000年開始,出貨量佔全球總量的比重一直名列第一,佔有率更超過九成,台灣主機板產業能維持蓬勃的發展,主要是因近幾年OEM/ODM市場的順利拓展,在強調分工整合的今天,許多國際知名大廠如HP、Dell、Acer等,將主機板訂單持續的釋出予台灣國際性大廠,讓台灣的主機板業能藉由代工產業的發展,維持一定的規模。 近幾年由於新興市場的崛起與不斷移動,品牌客戶也因為這些市場的消費力成長隨著快速移動與布局,連帶而來要求主機板代工廠維修回收體系也必須配合著進行架構的建立,不過由於消費市場移動速度太快、維修中心當地費用的成長的考量、語言文化的隔閡及維修中心當地法令的規範,代工業者多半是以外包的方式建立該體系 因此,在以上種種因素的影響下,如何利用外包維修中心的評選標準快速的選擇出適合的維修中心在目前業界的操作中成為不可或缺的一環。 本研究評選模式之建置是經由文獻探討歸納及訪談案例公司相關部門資深主管與人員後所獲致之評選指標,應用德爾菲法建立專家認為主機板代工產業外包維修中心評選準則之層級構面及評估指標,最後採用層級分析法,求取各構面及構面下各評估準則之相對權重值,以確認主機板代工產業外包維修中心評選準則。 本研究期望在主機板代工業者未來評選維修中心時,可以提供一套實際而快速的評估準則依據,讓台灣的主機板代工產業可以對各地維修中心進行快速而有效的評估,並同時期盼能提供相關產業外包維修中心之評估流程參考,在有限的研究內容與結果中找出可利用的評估指標及權重,協助產業選取出適當的廠商與之合作。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFrom year 2000, The MB volume made by Taiwan companies is the biggest in the world and also occupied over 90% of total. The reason why Taiwan MB industry can be so strong is because of the growth in ODM/OEM market. Many global branding companies such as HP, Dell & Acer keep releasing the order to Taiwan MB factories for those companies expend their business scale in recent years. Because new markets keep growing & moving, branding companies are forced to relocate the resources rapidly. In the mean time, MB ODM/OEM factories also have to set up the repair center along with the step of customer. As mentioned, the growing markets keep moving & other consideration such as the cost to set up a new repair center, language/culture gap & local restriction, most of the ODM/OEM companies choose to set up the repair center by outsourcing. Therefore, how to use precise evaluation criteria to choose a qualified outsourcing repair center is important to MB ODM/OEM industry. The research method is started to get the selection criteria of repair center for MB OEM/ODM industry through literature review & interview with a panel of experts in case company, than apply Delphi technique to finalize the criteria & establish the hierarchical structure. At the end, apply AHP to get the weight of each criterion to create the complete selection criteria. The expectation of the research is to offer selection criteria for MB OEM/ODM companies choosing outsourcing repair center more quickly and efficiently. Also it is expected to be referenced by related industries for collecting useful criteria & weight while selecting an outsourcing repair center.en_US
dc.titleThe Selection Criteria of Repair Center for Motherboard OEM/ODM Industryen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis