Title: 組織性機構材料購買行為之研究-以國營鐵路事業機構為例
The Study on Organizational Buying Behavior on Materials- The Case Study of Stated-owned Railways Enterprise
Authors: 鄭珮綺
Cheng, Pei-Chi
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 鐵路材料;購買行為模式;購買決策;railway material;buying behavior;buying decision
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本研究以國營鐵路事業機構材料購買行為為主要課題,研究目的係希望藉由組織之工業購買行為模式探究國營鐵路事業機構材料之購買行為,以及瞭解國營鐵路事業機構採購人員及材料屬性對於材料之購買中心的影響力及決策過程之重視程度。最後再探討瞭解國營鐵路事業機構採購人員在購買中心的影響力及決策過程中對購買決策之影響情形。 研究結果顯示,不同人口統計變數的採購人員對材料之購買中心的影響力及決策過程之重視程度,除教育程度對材料之購買中心的影響力無顯著差異外,其餘皆有顯著差異,而不同人口統計變數的採購人員對購買決策之重視程度,除性別外,其餘皆有顯著差異,而採購人員在購買中心的影響力及決策過程中對購買決策之影響亦有顯著差異,根據分析結果,於論文最後提出結論與建議,以供國營鐵路事業機構未來在擬定購買決策時之參考。
This study was aimed to investigate material-buying behavior of government-owned railways enterprise organization. The research purposes were to discuss material-buying behavior of government-owned railways enterprise organization considering industrial buying behavior in organization and to realize the impact of procurement staff and material property on material buying center and their importance in decision making process. Finally, the study explored the impact of procurement staff on material buying center and the decision making process. The research findings are revealed that there are significant differences among procurement staff in different demographic variables except for levels of education in view of their impacts on material-buying center and decision making process; there are considerable differences among procurement staff in different demographic variables except for distinction of sex when it comes to their levels of attention on decision making process; procurement staff have substantial influence on buying center and decision making process. In the accomplishment of the thesis, according to the results of analyses, some implications and suggestions were given to government-owned railways enterprise organization for the reference of buying decision making in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis