標題: 建築物耗能分析與改善策略-以交大浩然圖書資訊中心為例
Building Energy Analysis and Improvement: Case Study of NCTU Library
作者: 孫旭輝
Sun, Hsu-Hui
Huang, Chihpin
Pan, Jill R.
關鍵字: 用電指標;DOE-2;LED;紅外線熱影像分析;太陽光電發電系統;EUI;DOE-2;LED;IR scan;PV system
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 地球上的能源越來越少,舒適度要求卻越來越高,能源消耗日漸增多,如何減少其消耗量成為當務之急,台灣能源99.3%仰賴進口,能源費用偏低,造成能源效率不高,CO2排放逐年上升,減少氣候變遷之排放減量成了當務之急,政府也要求學校機關每年用電量與用油量必須負成長,至2015年累計節約能源以7%為目標;交通大學目前耗電量仍然以每年正成長前進,其中浩然圖書資訊中心耗電量占全校之第三名,占全校總用電量8.4%,內部使用之設備必須進行檢討,提出改善方案,以減少學校用電,達到節約能源之要求。 本文針對此棟建築物之耗能設備進行分析與探討,包含照明燈具、冰水主機、空調箱、馬達、泵浦、冷卻水塔、空調風管等,進行數量統計、設備效能與能源消耗情形進行調查,提出各種節能之手法與效果剖析,包含不同燈具之節能效果分析,T5、T8與LED燈等效能比較,冰水系統定流量改為變流量以符合現場需求進行冰水量調配,減少不必要之浪費,空調箱之送風量也以變頻器控制供應所需風量,冷卻水系統進行定溫送水之設定,以提高其熱交換效率,達到節能之目的。 建築物隔熱及通風不良也會造成空調之浪費,圖書館屋頂之採光天窗雖然可引進晝光減少照明之使用,但玻璃之選用並未阻擋紅外線熱量之進入,加上通風不良造成屋頂蓄熱嚴重,採用紅外線影像儀測量建築物吸熱狀況,提出改善之建議。 提出設置一套太陽光電發電系統之方法介紹及程式模擬,找出最佳之設置地點與容量,並撰寫設置計畫書以為日後能源局進行補助公告之送件申請。以投資報酬率分析各項節能減碳做法,以為學校進行改善順序上之考量,並將上述做法整合為一標準作業流程,以為學校所有建築物日後想要進行節約能源探討之依據,減少其摸索時間,有效做出決策、預算編列與更換工作,儘早達到政府的節能要求。
Natural resources of the Earth are diminishing. On the other hand, the demand for quality life is increasing, which means more energy consumption. 99.3% of energy need in Taiwan is imported, yet the energy cost in Taiwan is one of the lowest in the world, resulting in high energy consumption while low energy efficiency. The Executive Yuan of Taiwan has taken this issue seriously and required all governmental and public facilities to reduce their energy consumption. The target is to save 7% energy at year 2015 since 2010. Energy consumption of NCTU also increases steadily. The NCTU Library itself contributes to 8.4% of the total energy consumption of NCTU, which ranks number 3 in campus. Our aim was to analyze the energy use of the building and provide methods to reduce energy consumption. First, facilities requiring electrical power, including lighting fixtures, make-up air units, motors, pumps, cooling towers, and air supplies, were surveyed and analyzed. Options for energy saving such as selecting different lighting fixtures, changing of chilled water supply system from fixed water volume to variable water volume control, controlling HVAC air handling units by variable speed devices, cooling water controlling by resetting with outside temperature were examined. Poor insulation and ventilation are the main causes for heat accumulation in the building. Although the skylight supplements the light need, the heat introduced by infrared (IR) contributes much heat to the 8th floor of the building. Thermal IR spectroscopy was used to detect the temperature distribution in the building for feasible improvement in reducing heat accumulation. Possibility of a photovoltaic system on the roof was evaluated, including shading analysis to find a suitable location, installed capacity and the simulation of the power generation. Finally, all the energy saving activities are prioritized based on the return on investment (ROI). It can serve as a standard procedure for all other future projects concerning reduction in energy consumption of buildings in NCTU campus.