標題: 研究無線區域網路基地台的傳輸效能
Study of Transmission Performance of WLAN AP
作者: 邱鈺真
Chiu, Yi-Chen
Lin, Yi-Bing
Wang, Cing-Yuan
關鍵字: 無線分佈系統;媒體存取控制橋接;基地台;發送程序;學習程序;中繼轉播;WDS;MAC Bridge;AP;Forwarding Process;Learning Process;Relay
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 無線分佈系統(WDS)又稱為無線橋接。在本論文敘述一個結合 (Bond) 多埠 (ports) 的軟體架構,名為"EWPMP 結合 (EBond) 模組",使每個基地台 (AP),為充分利用其可用的所有port,增加無線連結的吞吐量,減少與有線相連的瓶頸。乃探討EBond模組提供結合 (Bond) 多個 port 到單個的虛擬 port的方法,俾解決橋接迴圈 (bridge-looping) 與埠歧義 (port-ambiguity)的問題。並且提供兩種結合模式(Bonding mode),可以選擇,並控制虛擬 port 傳輸封包的行為。 但是,無線連結品質可能受損而嚴重影響通信。我們提供一個port狀態的監控系統 (status monitoring scheme) ,支援多個無線port,並且可以支援通信模式的切換。監控系統 (status monitoring scheme) 直接從無線網路卡驅動程式模組 (Radio NIC Driver Module) 獲得大量無線傳輸的資訊,包含信號強度及傳輸錯誤 (transmitted error)。監控系統藉由此資訊得以決定port狀態。本論文針對EBond模組兩種傳輸模式實作吞吐量的測試,且在整體EWPMP的吞吐量可擴大達到1.9倍近似2倍的效果。
Wireless Distribution System (WDS) also known as a wireless point to point bridge. In this paper we describe the software architecture of a bond of multi-port , called "EWPMP bonded (EBond) module". Ebond module bonds multiple ports into one virtual port. Our implementation provides two bonding modes that can be selected by the user to bond radio ports and control the packet transmission behavior of the virtual port. However, the wireless link quality may be damaged and serious impact on traffic. We implemented a port status monitoring scheme to detect status of port failures and pipe packets to another port. The throughput is investigated in two Ebond modes. Performance resulted from software Ebond modules is the expectation of approximation double.


  1. 951601.pdf

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