Title: 以食會友: 網路社群與個人化美食地圖
Meet friends on ground of food: Social Network Community and personalized food map
Authors: 蔡叔君
Keywords: 美食地圖;food map
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 此研究是依據傳統的美食地圖和社群網站的概念加以延伸。消費者往往會受到朋友的行為以及價值觀影響,所以建立自己的社群網站,讓使用者不必麻煩的一再搜尋屬於自己價值觀的文章餐廳,過濾掉不需要的資訊,是我們網站的主要目的。另外由於社群的概念,溝通不再是單方向的給予接受,現在已經演變成雙向溝通,消費者可以大量的分享自己的想法和接受來自四面八方的資訊。故網站實作方面,我們提供了不同的平台因應不同的要求。 為了實踐這個想法,個人化美食地圖依此而生。此個人化美食地圖主要包含了兩個項目,其詳細敘述及目的如下: 個人化美食地圖 – 此平台是以地圖為主軸的傳統美食地圖並佐以社群概念而設置,主要使用者界定在正常訪客,餐廳以及供應商,目的是幫助他們建立屬於自己的社群,進而了解感興趣的人事物並獲得最新資訊。在此平台上,使用者可以充分的和朋友群產生互動。 餐廳及供應商 – 這個平台主要是服務餐廳和供應商,主要目的是靠著提供的服務加強兩者的交流,服務有搜尋引擎,不同的課程和提供最新的趨勢消息。
The study combines the traditional food map with the concept of social network. Consumers are influenced by friends’ actions and values, and it is the reason why we build personalized food map. People can create their own society and share and accept friends’ values bidirectional. Therefore when people select or enjoy restaurants, they can take actions and values from their social network community as reference. For putting the concept into practice, the website “Personalized Food Map” is generated. It contains two platforms to fulfill different purpose: The personal food map – The personal food map is map-oriented traditional food map combined with social network. The target customers focus on visitors, restaurants and suppliers to build their social networking community. Users not only can get the connection with others also can get the latest information. People can get the interactive communication with friends, bloggers, restaurants or suppliers if people set them as friends. Restaurant and Supplier – The website would like to build a platform for restaurants and suppliers to have a place to share information such as different kinds of different food supplying, lecturing, trend…and so on. It is also a place to search suppliers because of an abundant informational database. This database includes supplier’s information, detail description, price range, product list, evaluation and classification.
Appears in Collections:Thesis