標題: 越南金融與匯款機構的市場
作者: 杜氏紅好
FEN May Liou
公開日期: 2009
摘要: This thesis examines the competitive advantage of the inward remittance market in Vietnam. I reviewed the Vietnamese inward market first and investigate the competitive advantage of a representative company as a case study subsequently. Inward remittance has slightly gone downward as the economic crisis. The case company is a major Vietnamese Money Transfer Company. For confidential reasons, the company is called ABC in this thesis. Adapting to changes in the general market, ABC Money Transfer Company is maintaining market share and customer service improvement through strengthening its organization. It started with some changes in the old system. This thesis focuses on ABC Money Transfer Company as a case to identify the competitive advantage of this leading remittance market in Vietnam. This thesis reviews the remittance market in general and in Vietnam first. Three frameworks are used subsequently to examine ABC’s competitive advantage in Vietnamese remittance market: SWOT analysis, five-force analysis and the BGC positioning framework. Suggestions are given according to the findings from the competitive advantage analysis.
This thesis examines the competitive advantage of the inward remittance market in Vietnam. I reviewed the Vietnamese inward market first and investigate the competitive advantage of a representative company as a case study subsequently. Inward remittance has slightly gone downward as the economic crisis. The case company is a major Vietnamese Money Transfer Company. For confidential reasons, the company is called ABC in this thesis. Adapting to changes in the general market, ABC Money Transfer Company is maintaining market share and customer service improvement through strengthening its organization. It started with some changes in the old system. This thesis focuses on ABC Money Transfer Company as a case to identify the competitive advantage of this leading remittance market in Vietnam. This thesis reviews the remittance market in general and in Vietnam first. Three frameworks are used subsequently to examine ABC’s competitive advantage in Vietnamese remittance market: SWOT analysis, five-force analysis and the BGC positioning framework. Suggestions are given according to the findings from the competitive advantage analysis.


  1. 852501.pdf
  2. 852501.pdf

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