標題: 量子侷限效應對超薄絕緣鍺與砷化銦鎵金氧半場效電晶體的次臨界與後端閘極偏壓調變臨界電壓特性之理論研究
Theoretical Study of Quantum Confinement Effects on Subthreshold and Backgate-Bias Modulated Threshold-Voltage Characteristics for Ultra-Thin-Body GeOI and InGaAs-OI MOSFETs
作者: 余昌鴻
Yu, Chang-Hung
Su, Pin
關鍵字: 超薄層;絕緣鍺;絕緣砷化銦鎵;量子侷限;次臨界擺幅;後端閘極偏壓;UTB;GeOI;InGaAs-OI;quantum confinement;subthreshold swing;backgate bias
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 藉由使用Schrödinger方程式的解析解並與元件數值模擬進行驗證,本論文理論性地探討在超薄絕緣鍺與砷化銦鎵元件中量子侷限效應對於次臨界擺幅與後端閘極偏壓調變之臨界電壓特性的影響。
This thesis theoretically investigates the impact of quantum confinement on subthreshold swing and backgate-bias modulated Vth characteristics for UTB GeOI and InGaAs-OI devices using an analytical solution of Schrödinger equation verified with device simulation.
Our study indicates that the quantum confinement effect may improve the subthreshold swing of high mobility channel UTB devices especially when the carrier centroid is closer to the backgate interface, for example, applying positive backgate bias (Vbg) for multi-Vth application. Due to the quantum confinement effect, the subthreshold swing variation due to channel thickness variation for short-channel UTB devices can be suppressed. Besides, the sensitivity of Vth to Vbg increases after considering the quantum confinement effect for UTB devices with triangular potential well. The suppressed Vth roll-off effect due to quantum confinement becomes more significant under forward backgate bias. In addition, we have incorporated the wavefunction penetration effect into our quantum-confinement model for UTB MOSFETs with high-k gate dielectric. Since Ge, InGaAs, and Si channels exhibit different degree of quantum confinement (due to different quantization effective mass), the impact of quantum confinement has to be considered when one-to-one comparisons among UTB GeOI, InGaAs-OI and SOI MOSFETs are made. Our study may provide insights for multi-Vth device/circuit designs using advanced UTB GeOI and InGaAs-OI technologies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis