標題: FlexRay應用於電動車操控平台之建立
Development of a platform for Flexray based electric's vehicle control
作者: 劉翼彰
Liu, Yi-Zhang
Liaw, Der-Cherng
關鍵字: 輪內馬達;in wheel motor;FlexRay;X-by-wire
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 汽車電子化的速度日漸劇增,針對車子的安全性以及舒適性於汽車中整合了多種感測器與電子控制單元以實現更高速化以及即時性的致動,汽車中感測器與電子控制單元的增加,之間的資料種類及資料量也越來越多,因此更需要一高速且安全的網絡將其連接起來,Flexray車用網路協定就此應運而生,而Flexray與常見的控制器區域網路(CAN)和區域互聯網路(LIN)比較起來更加的快速且可靠,非常適合運用於汽車中的動力控制以及安全性的控制,好比說汽車的引擎系統和汽車煞車的防鎖死系統等皆需高流量的資料傳輸方能達到精準之控制,由此一匯流排的資料傳輸並且控制即為所謂的(X-By-Wire)應用。 本論文主要實現以Flexray車用網路為主,整合四顆輪輪內馬達的以獨立的驅動方式提供動力並且實現轉速控制達到Drive-By-Wire系統,另外改裝現有煞車機構實現一Brake-By-Wire系統,並且依照系統需求設計出適合本論文的Flexray車用網路減少資源浪費,藉此更能凸顯本論文系統的即時性,另外透過個人電腦端使用者界面以無線傳輸的方式對本論文電動車系統進行命令的下達以及電動車的動態監控,在設計Flexray網路時首先以整合輪內馬達及煞車系統確認其所需控制的資料量大小,並且將資料種類做一區分將需週期性傳送的資料放置於靜態區段以週期性的方式進行更新,而事件觸發的資料型態則放置於動態區段如此不佔頻寬的方式更能提升Flexray的效益,確認資料型態以及資料量大小時便進行適合本論文平台的Flexray網路架構。
The automotive electronic growing surge, for traffic safety and comfort ,integration of a variety of sensors and electronic control unit in the automotive, achieve a more high-speed and real-time actuation, with sensor and electronic control units increase, the data type and amount is growing up too, and therefore need a high speed and secure network to connect, Flexray vehicle networking protocol was born ,compare with Flexray can and lin, Flexray network protocol more rapid and reliable, that’s why Flexray network suitable for the car’s power train control or car’s security control, like the car’s engine system and abs brake system, this two kind system need a high volume’s data transmission for achieve precise control, thus data bus to transmission data and actuator it’s mean the x-by-wire system, this paper major in Flexray network to integrate four in wheel motor as power drive and use the speed control to implement drive-by-wire system, and modification of existing brake institutions to achieve a brake-by-wire system, and also according to system requirement to design Flexray protocol parameter for reducing resource’s waste, and use the computer general user interface through wireless transmission way issued command and status feedback, at this electric vehicle control system first we have to confirm the amount of data size and the data type, and then distinguish the periodic data and event trigger data , the periodic data put at the static segment update periodically and event trigger data put at the dynamic segment at this way to design Flexray network can save communication bandwidth, let Flexray network more effective.
Appears in Collections:Thesis