Title: 攔截飛彈防禦區間的建立及應用
Establishment and Application of Defense Area for Missile Interceptor
Authors: 卓國展
Jhuo, Guo-Jhan
Lin, Ching-An
Keywords: 防禦空間;取樣點;最小平方法;最短攔截時間;最大防禦面;Defense space;Sampling point;Least squares fitting;Minimum interception time;Maximum defense area
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本論文探討攔截飛彈防禦區間的建立、相關計算及運用。先從防禦區間的概念進行探討,藉由選取攔截飛彈在各個不同時間、不同發射仰角所能達到的位置來當作取樣點,相同時間的取樣點能用來描述某一時間點的防禦區間,藉由最小平方法將這些取樣點模式化可得這一個時間點的防禦區間公式。兩種不同座標系(直角座標系、極座標系)的表示方式提供了從不同角度去觀看防禦面的方式。某一個時間點的防禦區間為一個三維空間中的部分球面,稱為防禦面。將防禦面的公式與來襲目標的位置方程式聯立求解可以得到來襲目標到達此層防禦面的時間,可用來計算發現目標後的最短攔截時間。計算所得結果與實際模擬飛行攔截結果相近,防禦面的建立及應用相當可行。
Although the information about the attacking missile is unknown, we have all the information about the missile interceptor. Using the information which we have known can establish the defense area by formulating it as least squares fitting problems. Two types of coordinates are used to formulate the defense area. The time which the attacking missile arrive the defense area after the attacking missile is detected can numerically solve the simultaneous equations of the formula of defense area and the situation of attacking missile. Numerical results show good agreement with results obtained via six degree of freedom simulations employing midcourse guidance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis