Title: 應用雷射測距儀於智慧型輪椅搭載及時跟人系統之模糊控制器設計
An Intelligent Wheelchair Fuzzy Controller Design with Real Time People Following Using Laser Range Finder
Authors: 楊翰傑
Yang, Han-Chieh
Wu, Bing-Fei
Keywords: 人員跟隨;卡爾曼濾波器;障礙物閃避;People following;Kalman filter;Obstacle avoidance
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本研究提出一套基於雷射測距儀檢測技術,讓輪椅機器人行走在室內外環境中具有偵測與跟隨人物的能力,並且導入舒適性控制的想法,使輪椅機器人在跟人的同時亦能考慮到乘客的感受與舒適度。我們利用一台具有雷射測距裝置的輪椅機器人做為實驗平台,並且利用Industrial-PC (IPC)來做為控制核心。在跟隨人物的特徵點追蹤上,我們提出了應用Kalman Filter 來預測掃描區間的方法做追蹤,以排除應用雷射測距儀偵測人的諸多限制,使系統的功能更加強建。而在控制上,我們首先導入以國際認證ISO2631為依據的舒適性控制,使看護者能夠在使用跟隨功能以降低看護者負擔的同時,讓乘坐者有更舒適的感受。我們亦提出智慧型輪椅於複雜環境中做跟人的避障策略,使輪椅能提供更智慧的服務。最後我們以成功的偵測和跟隨實驗證明本系統的完整性與可行性。
In this study, a novel approach based on a range sensor in a wheelchair being capable of detecting and following people is proposed. Furthermore, the passenger’s feeling and riding comfort are accepted to the control algorithm then the wheelchair can be more intelligent to perform the people following. The wheelchair with an Industrial-PC (IPC) and a laser range finder is adopted to the experiment strategy. The approach for target tracking with Kalman filter is used to predict the moving goal in polar coordinates and to rule out some unexpected interference. Moreover, ISO2631 standard is provided in controller design to obtain a comfortable riding feeling and smooth people following function. In order to achieve intelligent interaction for the user and his wheelchair, the system is also applied to the obstacle avoidance as target tracking. The experimental results show that the study acquires proper practicability and robustness.
Appears in Collections:Thesis