Title: WiMAX系統中週期性訊務的節能規劃
Energy-Efficient Sleep Schedule for Type II Traffic in WiMAX Systems
Authors: 吳琮揚
Wu, Chung-Yang
Lee, Tsern-Huei
Keywords: 省電;睡眠模式;802.16e;power saving;sleep mode;802.16e
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 由於行動通訊裝置只能裝載電量有限的電池,因此好的節能機制在無線網路中便至關重要。在IEEE 802.16e中便針對各種不同型態的訊務提供了相對應的睡眠模式以達到節能的目的。但是當有多個訊務同時存在時便有可能使得節能效率大幅降低。在此之前我們會先介紹多個週期性訊號擁有的特性。在論文裡,我們以在IEEE 802.16e所提供的省電功能為依據,針對在多個訊務會造成節能效率低落的情況下提出了新的演算法,在最後模擬的結果也可得知我們提出來的方法不管是跟標準或是其它論文相比,皆會有較佳的節能效率。
Because of a limited amount of power of mobile stations, the power saving mechanism is a key issue in broadband wireless access networks. IEEE 802.16e standard defines different sleep modes for different types of data traffic in order to reduce the power consumption. If there are multiple connections, the power saving efficiency may decrease dramatically. One has to know the property of multiple periodic signals to schedule periodic traffic. In this thesis, we propose Energy-Efficient Sleep Schedule (EESS) and Simplified Energy-Efficient Sleep Schedule (SEESS) schemes based on sleep mode operations proposed in IEEE 802.16e standard to solve the inefficient power consumption problem with multiple connections. Simulation results reveal that our schemes can achieve an efficient scheduling better than mechanisms provided in IEEE 802.16e standard and other papers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis