Title: 基植於切換波導牆之波束可掃描天線設計
A Beam Steering Antenna Design based on Switched Waveguide Walls
Authors: 楊肅哲
Yang, Su-Che
Hwang, Ruey-Bing
Keywords: 波束轉向;二極體;智慧型天線;可重置式天線;Beam Steering;PIN diode;Smart antenna;Reconfigurable antenna
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本論文提出饋入兩金屬平板間的單極天線當做激發源,並在單極天線周圍放置切換波導牆(Switched Waveguide Walls),藉由控制切換波導牆上的PIN diode開或關,控制天線波束切換方向所覆蓋的範圍在一全平面上,藉由控制此天線之輻射場型,讓天線波束在我們欲發射及接收訊號的地方輻射出去。因天線結構只需饋入單一激發源,相對於傳統須控制每一天線元件相位來達到波束轉向之陣列天線,擁有饋入網路結構複雜度大大簡化,整體結構更易於製造等優點,適用於無線通訊產業。
This paper presents a novel beam-steering antenna design based on Switched Waveguide Walls. A monopole is located inside a parallel-plate structure as excitation, which is surrounded by Switched Waveguide Walls in radial arrangement. Specifically, PIN diode placed on each Switched Waveguide Walls unit cell is either turned on or off to control its transmission characteristic in the desired operation frequency. The direction of main beam possesses 360 degree of freedom on X-Y plane with resolution angle of 18 degree by turning on selected PIN diodes. Unlike conventional beam-steering antenna design employing phase shifter or phased array, this paper has greatly reduced the complexity of feeding network of entire structure. Due to the advantages of easy fabrication, robustness, and low-cost issue, such an antenna can be a potential candidate for wireless communication system and base station antenna application.
Appears in Collections:Thesis