Title: 爬階輔助承載機構之創新設計與模擬
The Innovative Design and Simulation of Stair-Climbing Device
Authors: 熊昱登
Hsiung, Yu-Teng
Cheng, Pi-Ying
Keywords: 跨階機構;機構合成;爬梯;省力推車;stair–climbing mechanisms;mechanism synthesis;mechanical advantage;innovative design
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 推車(hand cart)是人們在搬運重物時的好幫手,但是遇到須載著重物攀爬樓梯時,傳統推車便會遭遇到很大的困難。目前具有爬階能力的推車輔助裝置大約可分成關節型、輪型與履帶型三種,而履帶型由於結構較複雜,故問題複雜度較高成本亦昂貴。 本文之研究目標在於建立能輔助推車攀爬階梯的承載裝置之設計方法與範例,首先在現有推車上選用共軸三輪式車輪,加裝適當支撐桿組成的承載裝置,讓使用者能更省力地操作推車通過階梯等障礙。承載裝置的支撐桿的功用為操作時可使轉輪組在貼著樓梯梯面拉動而產生另一較有力的支撐點,以提高攀爬階梯時每一過程的機械利益,達到省力的目的。因此支撐桿的幾何尺寸與裝設位置的計算與設計也是本研究的重點目標。在輔助乘載裝置的支撐桿幾何設計方面,本研究特別規劃一組四連桿機構用以輔助建構支撐桿裝置的最佳尺寸等幾何參數。本研究首先應用機構分析方法找出最適合的3組支撐桿於撐持時段的個別相對位置,再用機構合成法產生具體實用的連桿組件,接著以SolidWorks模擬及分析不同參數對爬階效果的影響特性,進而建立出可選用的參數選用表格,供往後設計支撐桿時的設計參考。本論文所歸納的成果,可適用於國內建築法規中各型樓梯尺寸的規範,即當樓梯級高在16-18公分時,都可找到推車所應用的最佳支撐桿設計參數,提供日後推車輔助爬階裝置的設計參考。
In the study ,a systematic and innovative design of the stair climbing assisting device for a cargo carrier cart is proposed .The stair-climbing cart is a tool for carry cargos from low floors to high floors . The stair-climbing device has three types:linkage type , wheel type and track type .The track type have many complex problem and cost lots of money . A stair-climbing cart with a set of wheel in a form as co axial–3 wheels and a support-rod on the cart was proposed and developed . With this device ,when we operate this cart ,the wheel groups will produce another support force on the stair surface to make the cart climb stairs easier. On this research ,we try to find the nearest location of the three precision points .Then use graphical linkage synthesis to establish an adjustable mechanisms and use solidworks to simulate the characteristics of assisting device in different parameters .Through the systematic design processes , and analysis data , we are trying to generate a rule a design table for stair-climbing mechanisms design in different cases based on the architecture regulation .
Appears in Collections:Thesis