標題: 複合材料風力葉片之結構破壞分析與效率提升研究
Structural Failure Analysis and Efficiency Improvement of Composite Wind Turbine Blade
作者: 黃柏聞
Huang, Po-Wen
Kam, Tai-Yan
關鍵字: 葉片元素理論;葉片元素動量理論;風力葉片;氣動力學;破壞;BEM;efficiency;structure;failure
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本文第一部份主要探討本實驗室研發之葉片的效率。應用葉片元素理論,葉片元素動量理論與氣動力學計算。並用實驗的方法量測葉片產生的扭力值,比較實驗數據與理論計算,驗證理論計算的正確。從中探討風力葉片效率的影響參數,藉由改變葉片扭轉角的分布提升葉片的效率。第二部份本文將用ANSYS有限元素分析及實驗方法探討水平式複合材料風力葉片之結構破壞行為。其中實驗部份利用葉片的靜態負載試驗來建立葉片的變形與負載關係;理論部份利用有限元素法分析並與實驗數據比較,驗證有限元素模型的合理性。由正確的有限元素模型,以極限風速60m/s,葉輪靜止轉動的情形下分析葉片是否發生破壞與破壞行為,以及葉片破壞的荷載,並針對葉片破壞處改變葉片疊層方式增強葉片結構。
In this thesis, the failure and efficiency enhancement of composite wind blades are investigated. The basic aerodynamic principles are used to modify the twisting angle of a wind blade with airfoil shape NACA4418. The efficiency of the wind blade has been increased approximately 15%. A finite element model is established to study the deformation and failure strength of the wind blade. The suitability of the finite element model in predicting the deformation of the wind blade has been validated by experimental results. The first-ply failure load as well as the buckling load of the wind blade has been determined using the finite element mode. The layups of the composite blade skin have been designed for the wind blade to sustain the wind speed of 60m/s.