Title: 單載波調變與多天線輸入多天線輸出傳輸技術應用於60 GHz光載微波無線訊號系統
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Technology in 60 GHz Radio-over-Fiber System with Single Carrier Modulation
Authors: 李維元
Lee, Wei-Yuan
Chen, Jye-Hong
Keywords: 多天線輸入多天線輸出;單載波調變;光載微波無線訊號系統;Multiple-Input Multiple-Output;Single Carrier Modulation;Radio-over-Fiber System
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 互動式多媒體的快速發展,導致新的無線網路服務不斷推陳出新,對於傳輸速度的要求也逐漸升高,帶動了multi-Gbps無線傳輸技術的發展。然而,60 GHz的免授權頻段其頻寬限制在7 GHz,並且60 GHz的微波訊號在空氣中有著非常大的衰減,較適合短距離的無線傳輸。因此,60 GHz的光載微波無線訊號系統搭配上空間多功的MIMO技術是一個非常可實現的一個方法,提供一個寬頻、覆蓋範圍廣以及機動性兼具的服務。 在此篇論文中,藉由頻域等化器實現2 x 2 MIMO技術,提高頻譜使用效率達成傳輸資料倍增的效果。我們在實驗上成功傳輸60GHz 頻段上7 GHz免授權頻寬的16-QAM MIMO 單載波訊號,傳輸速度達到2 x 13.575 Gb/s,在經過25公里的單模光纖和3公尺的無線傳輸以後,訊號品質幾乎沒有改變。
The rapid growth of data rates of new wireless applications led by interactive multimedia services is driving the need for multi-Gbps wireless communication technologies in the near future. However, the bandwidth of the license free spectrum at 60 GHz is limit to 7 GHz and 60-GHz millimeter-waves have very high propagation losses rendering them more suitable for short-range wireless links (~10m). Therefore, 60-GHz radio-over-fiber (RoF) system with spatial-multiplexing MIMO technology is a promising candidate to provide broadband service, wide coverage, and mobility. In this these, 2 x 2 MIMO technique is realized by frequency domain equalizer (FDE) to improve spectrum efficiency doubling the data throughput. We experimentally demonstrate 2 x 13.575 Gb/s 16-QAM MIMO single carrier signal transmission within 7-GHz license-free bandwidth at 60-GHz band. The power penalty is negligible after transmission over 25-km single mode fiber and 3m wireless distance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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