Title: 營建流程資訊整合分析模式之研究
Analytical Model for Information Integration in Construction Process
Authors: 江柏澔
Jiang, Po-Hau
Dzeng, Ren-Jye
Keywords: 資通訊科技;整合性資訊管理系統架構;作業-角色-地點表格;ICT;ARIS;Activity-Role-Location Table;Construction Site
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 隨著現今資通訊科技的發展神速,使得電腦極小化與功能強化後的帄
Information and Communication Technology)原有資訊科技(IT, Information
Technology)、通訊科技(CT, Communication Technology)作功能的提升之外,
使得攝影機、相機、GPS 定位、陀螺儀…眾多技術都有可能整合集中於帄

合性資訊管理系統架構(Architecture of integrated Information Systems,
ARIS )描繪出現有流程後,再透過本研究設計之作業-角色-地點表格(ARL
With the rapid development of information and communications
technology in modern society, the tablet PCs and smart mobile phones with
minimal computer and maximal function are available. In the aspect of the
function of the functional integration, in addition to improving the computing
ability of information Technology and communication ability of
communication Technology, the technology like video camera, camera, GPS
positioning, gyroscope and so on, are integrated into tablet PCs and smart
phones, as well as the development of wireless network technology makes
wireless networks gradually being everywhere in our daily life and thus create
a ubiquitous network environment. We can imagine that there are many spaces
to be applied, but we still need an analytical application tool.

The purpose of this study is using the model built in this study to
find information delivery problems, and provide ways to improve
and enhance efficiency through the advantages of ICT when used in mobile
device platform.

To build the model, It’s start with using modeling tool “Architecture of
integrated Information Systems”, ARIS, to modeling the Quality management
processes which is in the construction site, then work through the design of this
study - the Activity-Role -Location Form (ARL Table) to find the relations of
activities, roles, and locations, and finally, from this model, find information
delivery problems, the things need to be improved, and provide ways to
improve through ICT.
Appears in Collections:Thesis