Title: ZA85 鎂合金經等通道轉角擠型後抗潛變性質的研究
Effect of Equal Channel Angular Extrusion on the Impression Creep Behavior of Mg Alloy (ZA85)
Authors: 吳政霖
Wu, Jeng-Lin
Liu, Tzeng-Feng
Chao, Chuen-Guang
Keywords: 鎂合金;潛變;Mg;creep
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本實驗係以重力澆鑄法製成ZA85 (Mg-8wt.%Zn-5wt.%Al) 鎂合金鑄錠,其平均晶粒大小約為150μm,而其主要析出相為τ-Mg32(Al,Zn)49,並無β-Mg17Al12相析出。將實驗合金經在180℃下經ECAE製程後,以OM、SEM觀察其顯微組織,並以Instron 8501萬能試驗機測試其高溫潛變性質。
研究結果顯示,經過不同道次ECAE製程的ZA85鎂合金,其應力指數n隨著擠型次數的增加有下降的趨勢,從as-cast的n=7.4到擠型四道的n=5.5,這意味著經ECAE製程後,ZA85鎂合金的潛變主導機制從power-law break down的區域漸漸移向晶界滑移的區域(Grain Boundary Sliding),而N=4的高應力指數推測可能跟其晶粒大小的bi-modal形式有關係。
In this research, the effect of equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) on the impression creep behavior of magnesium alloy ZA85 (Mg-8wt.%Zn-5wt.%Al) was investigated. Energy dispersive system (EDS) was used for chemical composition analysis. The second phase of the as-cast ZA85 alloy confirmed by x-ray diffraction pattern (XRD) was mainly τ-phase (Mg32(Al,Zn)49), instead of β-phase (Mg17Al12). The microstructures were examined by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Instron 8501 was used for impression creep test.
The stress exponent decreases from n=7.4 for the as-cast ZA85 sample to n=5.5 for the sample after four passes of ECAE process (N=4). It suggests that the dominant creep mechanism of ZA85 alloy change from power-law break down region to grain boundary sliding region, and the high stress exponent of N=4 ZA85 sample may be related to its bi-modal distribution of grain size.
When the applied stress is 375MPa at 180℃, the N=1 ZA85 sample has the best creep resistance. Its creep rate is 5.2E-6. Under the same test condition, the N=4 ZA85 sample has the worst creep resistance. Its creep rate is 8.51E-5. However, under the same test condition, the creep rate of the N=6 ZA85 sample is 7.4E-6, which is better than N=4 ZA85 sample.
The creep activation energy of N=4 ZA85 sample is 62.1kJ/mol, and it may be contributed to both the regions with and without precipitation. The creep activation energy of N=6 ZA85 sample is 144kJ/mol, which is slightly higher than the self-diffusion energy of pure magnesium. The high activation energy results in a better creep resistance of the N=6 ZA85 sample at lower temperature such as 180℃.
Appears in Collections:Thesis