Title: 利用旋塗分佈方法使非晶矽藉由鎳誘發側向結晶
A Study on Nickel-induced Lateral Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon by Spin-coating Method
Authors: 宋品儀
Sung, Pin-Yi
Chao, Chuen-Guang
Keywords: 多晶矽;非晶矽;金屬誘發側向結晶;poly-silicon;amorphous silicon;metal-induced lateral crystallization
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 本論文研究目的為使用一種簡單、低成本的製程產生金屬誘發非晶矽薄膜側向結晶之方法,且使殘留金屬量遠比濺鍍等方式來的低,也可以取代昂貴鍍膜設備。以微乳化合成法製備出奈米鎳粒子溶液後,將其旋轉塗佈於試片上,進行熱處理後,再用XRD、SEM、EDS、IPS及影像分析軟體分析探討。 製備鎳溶液濃度為10 -3 M 、5*10 -3 M及10 -2 M,溶劑用異丙醇增加其在非晶矽上之附著性,旋塗轉速500、750、1000 rpm於試片上,利用EDS及影像分析軟體可知鎳之附著量,再經過熱處理550℃ 6小時後,其結果顯示當旋塗液濃度為10 -3 M 轉速500 rpm時,鎳附著量為47.9 ppm,而由XRD分析後發現大於此附著量即可誘發結晶矽,而當旋塗液濃度為5*10 -3 M旋塗轉速500 rpm時,由SEM及XRD分析結果可知產生最多結晶矽。由於非晶矽試片鎳附著量僅需47.9 ppm就能在熱處理後誘發結晶矽,故殘留於試片上的金屬量遠比其他濺鍍等製程低。
The purpose of this research is to develop an easy and low cost method of metal-induced lateral crystallization (MILC) of amorphous silicon film. This method can obtain the less residual nickel content in poly-crystallization silicon than other method, such as sputtered method. Also, it can replace the expensive sputtered equipment. At first, we prepared the nano-nickel solution by Microemulsion Synthetic Method, then deposited on the amorphous silicon film by spin coating process. Finally, the spin-coated specimens were heat-treated and analyzed by XRD, SEM, EDS, IPS and the Image pro software. We used isopropyl alcohol to be the solvent to increase the wettability with amorphous silicon. After spin coating, the nickel content attached on amorphous silicon was measured by EDS and Image pro software. The spin-coated specimens then annealed at 550℃ for 6 hours. The results showed that the attached nickel content which could obtain MILC of amorphous silicon was only 47.9 ppm. When the attached nickel content on amorphous silicon film was larger than 47.9 ppm, the MILC of amorphous silicon occurred by XRD analysis. The maximum amounts of poly-crystallization silicon were obtained by using 5*10 -3 M concentration of spin-coated solution with a 500 rpm coating speed. Because the nickel content (only 47.9 ppm) attached on amorphous silicon film could occur MILC of amorphous silicon, the residual nickel content in poly-silicon was much less than other method, such as sputtered method.
Appears in Collections:Thesis