标题: | 利用磁性奈米复合材料作为样品前处理及蛋白质消化以应用于质谱分析 Using Magnetic Nanocomposites Materials for Sample Preparation and Protein Digestion in Mass Analysis |
作者: | 吴晓眉 Wu, Shiau-Mei 李耀坤 Li,Yaw-Kuen 应用化学系硕博士班 |
关键字: | 蛋白质身分鉴定;氧化铁/金核壳奈米粒子;微波辅助消化;样品前处理;胜肽比对;电喷洒游离质谱;protein idetification;Au-coreshell magnetic nanoparticle;Microwave-assisted digestion;sample preparation;peptide mapping;ESI-MS |
公开日期: | 2010 |
摘要: | 随着蛋白质体学的兴起,蛋白质身分鉴定的重要性与日渐增,为了更有效的确定不同种类的蛋白质,将蛋白质消化成为胜肽后送入资料库比对是目前最常用的蛋白质身分鉴定方法,传统上利用蛋白质水解酶水解的方法步骤冗长且繁复,完成整个流程需要超过数小时,如此费时又费力的蛋白质消化步骤限制了大量的蛋白质体分析作业,因此越来越多的研究着重于发展快速且方便的蛋白质消化方法。 使用磁性奈米粒子来加速蛋白质消化为近几年来新兴的方法,磁性奈米粒子所含的金属性具有良好吸热及传导热能的功效,为了加速水解酶水解蛋白质的速率必须要提高能量以克服水解酶反应的活化能。微波辅助具有瞬间能提高能量释出热能的特性,因此结合微波及磁性奈米粒子已被证实为可有效加速蛋白质消化的方法。为了更有效的提升水解酶的催化速率,本方法加入甲壳素包覆之磁性奈米粒子并于表面进行金还原反应,如此可更有效的增进奈米金的包覆形成金奈米磁性粒子。在原先的氧化铁奈米粒子上增加一层金薄膜可提高奈米粒子的金属性,接着再利用金硫的键结修饰上11-mercapto undecanoic acid及水解酶。将此磁性奈米复合材料加入蛋白质溶液中使用微波辅助加热,将上层液取出后利用液相层析-电洒游离质谱分析消化的胜肽,发现金奈米磁性粒子修饰水解酶的材料微波一分钟的消化效率与传统消化方法效率比较有更佳的趋势,再与先前研究提出氧化铁磁性奈米粒子上直接修饰水解酶的材料在相同微波条件及时间下相比,消化效率有显着的提升,如此可证明金薄膜的金属性确实有发挥其吸收微波迅速加温的功效以提升消化效率。 此种将水解酶修饰在磁性奈米粒的的材料具有可直接使用磁铁分离的特性,如此不仅可减少水解酶在质谱分析上的干扰讯号,更可达成回收再利用的特性。 另外我们也提出一种利用磷酸基在氧化铁磁性奈米粒子上修饰长碳链的复合材料,此材料具有比用矽烷基修饰的粒子水溶性高且不易水解的特性,修饰上的长碳链官能基能与非极性蛋白质形成物理吸附作用,接着用水清洗掉内含的极性盐类,如此可降低盐类讯号在质谱仪分析的干扰讯号以提高蛋白质在质谱仪上分析的讯号,如此可更有效的提高蛋白质的分析。 With the acceleration of proteome research, the technology for protein identification become more important. In order to identify the different kind of protein effectively, using proteolytic digestion of protein and sequence blast of database is the main method recently. However, The conventional practice of protein digestion in solution is time-consuming and labor-intensive. The whole protocol would spend over sixteen hours, limiting the large-scale proteome analysis. Thus, several approaches have been developed for rapid and efficient protein digestion. One popular approach is the use of magnetic nanoparticle to accelerate the protein digestion. The metal property of magnetic nanoparticle contain the good ability of heat absorbance and heat conductivity. microwave-assisted could be further accelerated by magnetite beads ,which had been proven to be excellent absorbers of microwave radiation. Thus, considering the advantages of immobilization of enzyme on magnetic spherical particles, as well as the convenience and rapid-fashion of microwave-assisted digestion approach, it is feasible to develop a highly efficient digestion method by the combination of both. In order to overcome the activation energy of protease effectively, we synthesis the Au core-shell magnetic nanoparticle to erase the metal property. Using this magnetic nanocomposites materials to combine with microwave-assisted to digest the protein, and using the Liquid-chromatograph-electrospray ionization tandom mass to analyze the sample, we find the digestion efficiency of trpsin-immobilized coreshell nanoparticle is better than only trypsin digestion. Comparing with the previous research which using the trypsin-immobilized nanoparticle material in the same microwave condition and time, the digestion efficiency increase a lot. This material which immobilized trypsin after using can use the magnet to separate, it not only can reduce the disturbance singnal of trypsin but also can be used recyclablely. On the other hand, we also develope a magnetic nanocomposites materials which modify the n-alkyl group by using the phosphonic acid. This material is characterized with high solubility and stability. The n-alkyl modification can bind to nonpolar protein by hydrophobic interaction and exclude the polar salt. This alkyl-functionalized magnetic nanoparticle can reduce the salt signal and enhance the protein analysis. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/47607 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |