標題: 以功能性影像探討模擬駕駛微睡眠行為之研究
An fMRI Study of Behavioral Microsleeps Occurring in Simulated Driving
作者: 周郁翔
Chou, Yu-Hsiang
John Kar-Kin Zao
關鍵字: 功能性磁振影像;微睡眠行為;駕駛行為;fMRI;behavioral microsleeps;driving
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 微睡眠(microsleeps)現象是指人們出現非自主性的片段睡眠,這種片段睡眠造成人類暫時性失去對外在認知與反應能力,也被稱為微睡眠行為(behavioral microsleeps),微睡眠行為常在駕駛行為中出現,造成許多不可挽回的意外事故。本論文以功能性磁振影像(fMRI)探討汽車駕駛者長時間駕駛行為的腦部活化改變,利用虛擬駕駛場景投影與互動,模擬真實的駕駛環境。透過長時間的虛擬駕駛實驗與功能性影像分析,將駕駛者駕駛行為分成清醒時駕駛行為、微睡眠行為、瞬間驚醒行為及驚醒後行為四個不同階段。實驗結果發現,清醒駕駛行為階段,額葉運動皮質區佔主要活化;微睡眠行為階段,額葉皮質、枕葉皮質、顳葉皮質、視丘與部份邊緣區活化;瞬間驚醒行為階段,運動皮質、枕葉皮質、視丘與尾狀核有顯著活化;驚醒後行為階段則以額葉皮質、頂葉皮質與顳葉皮質活化為主。此研究結果幫助我們更了解長時間駕駛過程的行為模式與認知行為的改變。
Microsleeps (which is also called behavioral microsleeps, BMs) represents an episode of sleep which elapses for a second or up to thirty seconds, people experience time lapses without conscious of fallen asleep. In this thesis, we combine fMRI with virtual reality driving environment to explore the driving behavior of brain. The results show in normal driving state, frontal-motor cortex are major activations. In BMs state, frontal cortex, occipital cortex, temporal cortex, thalamus and part of limbic areas are activations. In abrupt awakening (AA) state, motor cortex, occipital cortex, thalamus and caudate are major activations. In post-AA state, frontal cortex, parietal cortex and temporal cortex are major activations. These results help us to understand the brain activation pattern during long time driving.