標題: 台鐵區間車女性乘客搭乘時恐懼感因素與量測之研究
A Study of Factors on fear and Measurement of fear for TRA Local-Train Female Passengers
作者: 蔡同霖
Wu, Shoei-Uei
關鍵字: 台鐵;恐懼感;女性乘客;模糊理論;TRA;fear;female passenger;Fuzzy theory
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究主要是以搭乘過台鐵區間車的女性為研究對象,探討女性乘客在搭乘台鐵區間車時對於性騷擾的恐懼感,利用問卷調查了解女性在各種因素下之性騷擾恐懼感,因素包含了:是否獨自搭乘、車廂種類、時間、擁擠程度、以及監視系統。設計搭乘區間車時可能會碰到之恐懼感情境,並且利用模糊理論去量測各情境之權重值,排出恐懼感最高與最低之情境。研究結果顯示,獨自、一般車廂、夜晚、人多擁擠、人煙稀少、無列車長巡邏皆會使女性搭乘時之恐懼感較高,而有人陪同、女性優先車廂、白天、有列車長巡邏則較低。
A scale to measure the fear of TRA local-train female passengers was designed in this study. Through face-to-face survey, 390 effective sample were collected to verify the reliability and validity of the developed measurement instrument. The impact of factors on fear included alone or accompany, car types, time, congestion, monitoring system. Use the factors to build the fear situation which female passengers may face to. We had used Fuzzy theory to construct method of fear situation measurement. The results showed that, alone, the general car, night, crowded, sparsely populated, no conductor patrol will lead to higher fear, and accompany, the car priority for female passengers, day, have conductor patrol will lead to lower fear.


  1. 252301.pdf

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