Title: 探討增進年長者服藥遵從性之互動電視設計
Investigating the Design of Interactive Television in Enhancing Medication Compliance for Elders
Authors: 林祐亘
Lin, Yu-Hsuan
Hsu, Shang-Hwa
Keywords: 互動電視設計;年長者;服藥遵從性;社會支持;Design of Interactive Television;Elders;Medication compliance;Social support
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 隨著高齡化社會的來臨,年長者的健康照護是政府及產學界相當重視的議題。同時年長者也是罹患慢性病比例最高的一群,他們通常必須透過長期服藥來控制病情。因此如何協助年長者遵從醫囑,以提高服藥遵從性,進而增進其健康是本研究探討的重點。本研究透過實驗法來探討增進年長者服藥遵從性的互動電視設計,並利用文獻分析及訪談彙整出年長者的健康照護情境與服藥問題型態,作為實驗雛型設計之基礎。同時選定服藥提醒與生理資訊回饋兩個設計因素作為主軸,設計beep、avatar及social support三種呈現形式進行實驗探討。本研究共有90位60歲以上受試者參與實驗,實驗結果顯示,在服藥遵從性部分,服藥提醒之不同呈現形式的得分無顯著差異;生理資訊回饋則以social support高於 beep及avatar。在使用意願部分,social support的呈現形式,在服藥提醒與生理資訊回饋兩個設計因素上均顯著具有較高得分,而此研究結果也能提供未來年長者健康照護系統功能設計之參考依據。
With the coming of an aging population society, the care of health of elders are quite respected by the government, academic and industrial circles. In the meantime, the proportion of older people is the highest group with chronic disease. They usually have long-term medication to control the disease. Therefore, how to help older people to comply with doctor's prescription to increase medication compliance, and then improving their health is the emphasis of this study. In this study, we use experimental methods to explore older people to enhance medication compliance of interactive TV design. And then use literature analysis and interviews to synthesize older people's health-care situations and types of medication problems as an experimental prototype based design. We selected medication reminders and physiological information back coupling as a two spindle design factors. Design beep, avatar and social support three kinds of experiments presented forms. In this study a total of 90 subjects participant aged over 60 in the experiment. The results showed that in some medication compliance, the different reminded forms of medication score showed no significant difference in between; In Physiological information back coupling social support is higher than beep and avatar.
In the use of wiliness, the presented form of social support; physiological information in the medication reminder and feedback on two design factors that were significantly have higher score. Therefore , the results of this study can also provide elders health-care system’s functional design of the reference in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis