標題: 以最折衷共同權重結合麥氏生產力指數發展兩階段多週期之績效評量
Employ The Most Compromising Weights Analysis to Malmquist productivity index with the development for performance evaluation
作者: 黃仕婷
Huang, Shih-Ting
Liu, Fuh-Hwa
關鍵字: 最折衷共同權重;資料包絡分析法;麥氏生產力指數;Common Weights;Data Envelopment Analysis;Malmquist productivity index
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 公營與民營單位需評量其所管轄之下屬單位連續週期的績效。這些被評量的單位(UOA)將一組投入項目轉換成一組產出項目。介於兩階段中的中間項目既為前一階段的產出項目同時也為後一階段的投入項目。各UOA在各週期中的投入、中間及產出指標項目均為已知,所以我們利用最折衷之指標權重分析法(MCWA)來決定各項目的權重值。麥氏生產力指數分析法被用來分析各UOA在前後兩週期之間生產力的變化。生產力指標可以再區分為以下兩項生產力變化的乘積:個人競爭力變化(Self Competitiveness Shift, SCS)與整個群體競爭力消長(Group Competitiveness Shift, GCS)。SCS與GCS為UOA的個人競爭力變化以及相對於群體表現變化之程度。SCS與GCS均可再分解兩個階段分別的變化。我們摘取Fortune 500雜誌上14家醫療產業公司於2006到2009年間的數據做為分析之例子。
Private and public sectors need to assess units under their governance in consecutive periods. Those units under assessment (UOAs) convert a set of input items to a set of output items by a series of two processes. The intermediate items play two roles at same time that are the output items of the first process and the input items of the second process. Given values of input, intermediate, and output items of each UOA in a given period, we employ the Most Compromised Weights Analysis (MCWA) to determine the common set of weights for the items. Malmquist productivity index analysis method is employed to measure the productivities of every pair of contiguous periods for each individual UOA. The overall productivity index of the two processes is possible to decompose productivity change in Self Competitiveness Shift (SCS) and Group Competitiveness Shift (GCS). SCS and GCS indicate the UOA’s competitiveness and degree of change relative to the group performance. The SCS and GCS could be decomposed into the productivities of the two processes individually. The 14 health care industry’s data in 2006 to 2009 are digested from Fortune 500 as the illustration example.