標題: 台灣智慧型手機廠商宏達電之競爭優勢分析
The Competitiveness of Taiwanese Smartphone Company - HTC
作者: 劉建君
Liu, Chien-Chun
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
關鍵字: 競爭優勢;智慧型手機;宏達電;competitive advantage;smartphone;HTC
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 智慧型手機近年呈現爆發性的成長,在2010年,西歐與北美這兩個已開發市場銷售的手機超過半數都為智慧型手機。相反的,功能性手機雖然在全球市場仍佔大宗,但成長率已逐年下滑。由於智慧型手機毛利高,且後續無論是行動商務或線上娛樂等服務所帶來的獲利可觀,因此吸引眾多廠商爭相進入這塊領域。再加上智慧型手機使用者的平均用戶每月營收貢獻較傳統手機使用者高上許多,使得電信業者樂於促銷智慧型手機,間接導致智慧型手機的成長率在這幾年居高不下。本研究的目的在探討全球智慧型手機產業的發展現況與趨勢,並分析個案廠商的競爭優勢來源,供相關業者參考。本研究採文獻蒐集等方式取得次級資料,並以個案研究法探討產業中表現優秀廠商的競爭優勢來源。在分析競爭優勢時,採李建中、虞孝成(2006)提出的七力分析模型作為外部產業環境分析之構面,而內部核心資源分析的構面則是參考Grant提出的六大核心資源,綜合內外部共十三個構面進行分析。本研究認為,宏達電的競爭優勢來源有以下方面:專注深耕智慧型手持裝置領域,以代工或策略聯盟方式借力外部資源來加強自身研發實力;正確判斷智慧型手機產業快速興起的趨勢取得先行者優勢;藉由為電信業者客製化手機的新商業模式,與全球電信營運商形成緊密夥伴關係,以雙品牌模式打開知名度後再轉型為國際品牌大廠。台灣廠商未來必須擺脫只做硬體賺一次錢的舊思維,朝向提供一套整體系統服務的方式努力。建議可借力Google Android平台上所提供的服務如Android Market和雲端服務等功能,共同形成Android生態圈,才能在這個比硬體更比軟體的智慧型手機產業保持競爭力。
The growth of smartphone is booming in the decade. In 2010, based on the sales records, more than half of the mobile phones sold in the developed market like Western Europe and North America are smartphones. On the contrary, the growth rate of feature phone has dropped gradually despite its dominant status in global market. Due to the high profit margin of smartphone, many competitors have been drawn in this battlefield by the high profits comes either with mobile commerce or online entertainment. Additionally, compared to feature phone users, smartphone users usually have relatively higher Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), and that is the main reason why telecommunication operators are willing to spend a lot of money for promoting smartphones. This thesis aims to not only explore the current state of smartphone industry in global market but also use case study method in analyzing HTC’s strength for other mobile phone firms’ reference. This thesis employs the model of Seven Forces analysis developed by Chien-Chung Lee and Hsiao-Cheng Yu (2006) in dealing with the aspect of external industrial environment, and adapts the Six Core Competence stated by Grant when analyzing the aspect of internal resources.