DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorTseng, Ling-Weien_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Tai-Shengen_US
dc.description.abstract在近年來全球氣候變遷下,災害發生的頻次與強度逐年增加。大眾運輸在天災頻傳的情境下,受災程度亦越高。大眾運輸業者時時刻刻背負著車輛上所有乘客與駕駛的生命,車輛在行駛中隨時面臨許多可能發生的災害。因此大眾運輸危險預警資訊系統,即於可能危險發生之前,將所有資訊在關鍵時刻提供給決策者,並立即傳遞決策資訊給第一線人員,以避開即將可能面臨之安全上的威脅。本研究透過文獻回顧法檢視現行政府機關提供預警資訊的機制與流程,卻發現大眾運輸被忽略於災害防救體制之外;透過專家訪談法了解大眾運輸業者如何獲得並處理預警資訊,卻發現許多業者並沒有一套完整的機制足以應付可能遭遇的危機。 理想的危險預警資訊系統,必須達到有效率傳遞資訊、資訊傳遞一步到位,以及資訊完整無遺漏等目標。本研究站在資訊效率面、資訊內容面及決策時機面等角度,探討現今預警制度下的缺失。以預警資訊系統之目標、業者資訊上的需求,以及現行制度之不足等角度,研擬大眾運輸危險預警資訊系統。本研究將危險預警系統加入空間等概念,並將不同的危害區分等級,並研擬相對應的策略。對於鐵路客運業者而言,由於路線管轄權即業者本身,故資訊蒐集者仍為業者自己,但臺鐵等單位卻對自己路線的狀況不了解,故必須透過偵測設備隨時觀測,以保障行車安全;對於公路汽車客運業而言,路線管轄權為政府各級道路管理機關,故業者無法掌握道路狀況,必須仰賴政府提供道路之資訊,才能讓公路汽車客運業者行駛於路上更有保障。大眾運輸業者平時應針對各種警戒制定一套作業機制,並時常演練,可縮短可能災害來臨時的決策時間,並增加預警資訊系統之效率。如此一來,才能在千鈞一髮之際,避免慘不忍睹的狀況一再上演,並保住所有乘客與駕駛於生命上的安全,預警資訊系統才能發揮應有之功效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGlobal warming is one of the most important issues, and the frequency of disasters has increased in recent years. The mass transport system carries off a lot of passengers. It would be very dangerous if accidents occur. Before an accident, a warning information system will give some useful information to remind decision makers to prevent passengers from dangers right away. After decision makers make the decision, the system will inform drivers to implement those strategies. By checking the procedure in our government with the literature review, we find out that the government does not consider incorporating a warning information system into the mass transport system. We also check on how the operators of the mass transport do, but we learn that they don’t have complete procedure and information to handle the problem. For an ideal warning information system, it has to transport information efficiently, give useful information, and give information completely. In order to discuss this problem, we check the efficiency of information transportation, information context, and the timing of decision making. To improve the system, we consider the goal, the demand, and the insufficiency of the warning information system now. We also consider the concept of space, and divide the risks into three divisions to handle different situations. For railways, railway companies manage the route by themselves, so they can detect mountains, rivers, winds, and rains. But Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) almost doesn’t have detectors to detect its routes, and it is so dangerous for passengers. For buses, the bus industry does not manage the route by themselves, so they have to know the situation by the government. Depending on a refined framework, the operators of the mass transport have to discipline workers regularly so as to reduce time and improve the efficiency to handle unexpected situations. After we improve the warning information system, the mass transport could become more complete and useful.en_US
dc.subjectmass transport safetyen_US
dc.subjectdisaster preventionen_US
dc.subjectwarning systemen_US
dc.subjectinformation flowen_US
dc.titleA study on the warning information system for the mass transport in catastrophic situationsen_US


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