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dc.contributor.authorChang, Meng-Chuen_US
dc.contributor.authorDing, Cherngen_US
dc.description.abstract  隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,人們的生活與網路已是密不可分,網際網路儼然已成為我國繼電視、報紙、廣播、雜誌之後的第五大媒體,網際網路對消費者而言似乎愈來愈具有吸引力,對企業而言這也代表著網際網路存在著無限的商機。而網路廣告相對較低的預算及更為精準的接觸率,使得網路廣告成為近年來廣告主的最愛,網路廣告也成為廣告主增加對顧客溝通機會的管道之一。   本研究與酷盈科技股份有限公司合作,利用其廣告聯播網廣告酷(ADQoO)的資料,針對網路廣告的播放時段及投放媒體對廣告效果的影響進行探討,並在研究中發現廣告投放的網站對廣告點擊率的影響會因不同的播放時段而改變,同樣地,廣告播放時段對點擊率的影響也會受到不同刊登網站所牽動,因此廣告主無論是在選擇播放時段或是投放網站時,都必須考慮兩者之間該如何搭配才可獲得最大的廣告效益。   最後本研究根據實證分析結果提供幾組播放時段及網站類型的搭配組合,可供廣告主日後在選擇刊登網站及播放時段時做為參考,也可提供廣告聯播網業者做為差別定價的依據(例如針對上網人數較多的黃金時段及高點擊率網站收取較高的廣告刊登費),不僅能讓廣告主提升廣告的效益,而廣告聯播網業者也可以增加廣告的收入。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract  With the rapid development of Internet, our lives are inseparably connected with the Internet. Internet has become the fifth media after the television, newspaper, broadcasting and magazine in our country. Internet seems to be more attractive to consumers, and that means there are many business opportunities on the Internet for enterprises. With the lower cost and higher contact rate, Internet marketing has become advertisers’ favorite in recent years. For advertisers, Internet advertising has become one of the communication channels for customers.   This research cooperates with ADQoO, which is an advertising platform on the Internet. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of broadcasting time and publishing websites on the effects of Internet advertising. The result of this study indicates that the impact of publishing websites on Internet advertising click-through rate will be different because of the broadcasting time; likewise the impact of broadcasting time on Internet advertising click-through rate will be different because of the publishing websites. Therefore, when choosing broadcasting time or publishing websites, advertisers should consider how to collocate broadcasting time and publishing websites so that they can get more benefits from advertising.   Last but not least, this research provides some collocations of broadcasting time and publishing websites according to the results of empirical analysis. And this research could help not only advertisers to increase advertising efficiency, but also advertising agents to increase revenue.en_US
dc.subjectInternet Advertisingen_US
dc.subjectBroadcasting Timeen_US
dc.subjectClick-through rateen_US
dc.titleThe Influence of Broadcasting Time and Publishing Websites on Internet Advertising Click-through rate─An Exploratory Studyen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis