標題: 部落格口碑對消費者購買手機決策影響之研究-以台北市消費者為例
The Influence of Word-Of-Mouth of Blogs on the Purchase Decision of Mobile Phones:An example of Taipei City Consumers
作者: 胡雅亭
Hu, Ya-Ting
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 部落格;口碑;消費者行為;手機;Blog;Word-Of-Mouth;Consumer Behavior;Mobile Phones
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 網路口碑對於消費者購買決策的影響力已被許多學者證實,其中以部落格作為口碑媒介之研究卻鮮少被提出。本研究以部落格口碑為研究主題,並以手機產品為例,探討消費者在做購買決策時,若資訊來源為部落格,哪些影響部落格口碑的因素會影響消費者購買手機的決策,進而影響其部落格的說服效果。此外,本研究亦透過人口統計變數與購買動機、產品屬性與影響部落格口碑因素之間的關係,以求更精準地了解部落格口碑在手機購買決策過程中所扮演的角色與重要性。 本研究以EBM模式決策過程為研究主幹,採用網路問卷調查法,共收集408份有效問卷,利用變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定與迴歸分析進行檢定。研究結果發現,不同人口統計變數的消費者對於手機購買動機、產品屬性與影響部落格口碑因素的重視程度皆有顯著差異,而且影響部落格口碑因素之「傳播者專業程度」構面與「共識性」構面和部落格口碑說服效果有正向相關性。最後,本研究針對廠商如何操作部落格口碑行銷手法提出新的觀點與實務建議。
The influence of WOM on consumer purchase decision has been proved by many academics, but taking blogs as communicational medium is seldom to be mentioned. This thesis focuses on WOM of blogs and takes mobile phones for example, and hopes to figure out the factors of influencing WOM of blogs on purchase behavior. Moreover, this paper also tries to precisely understand the importance and role of WOM of blogs in purchase behavior by analyzing the relationships between demographic factors, purchasing motivations, product attributes evaluation criteria and the factors of influencing WOM of blogs. The research framework of this thesis is based on EBM model, and there are 408 valid samples collected from on-line survey. We test our hypotheses by t-test、variance analysis and regression analysis. The results show that the difference in demographic variables of mobile phones’ consumers between purchasing motivations, product attributes evaluation criteria, and the factors of influencing WOM of blogs are significant. Moreover, we find that “professional ability” and “consensus” in the factors of influencing WOM of blogs are positively related with the effect of WOM of blogs. Finally, the thesis brings some advices and suggestions about how to operate marketing in blogs.