標題: 廣告產品類型與投放網站類型對橫幅廣告點擊率影響之探討
The Effect of Website Types and Advertisement Types on The Click-Through Rates of Banner Advertisements
作者: 楊舒婷
Yang, Shu-Ting
Ding, Cheng
關鍵字: 橫幅廣告;點擊率;banner ads;click-through rate
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究主要探討的是,橫幅廣告的點擊率,是否會受到廣告產品類型,和投放網站類型的影響。廣告產品類型分為,食品休閒興趣、電腦手機相機、精品服飾美容、工具技能交通和房屋居家生活五大類,投放網站類型則分為綜合入口網、專業社群網、休閒資訊網、新聞知識網、居家生活網和娛樂交友網六大類。本研究與酷盈科技公司合作,採用其廣告聯播系統的資料庫進行探討,樣本皆為真實的廣告投放資料。研究方法以階層線性模式進行分析。研究結果顯示,廣告產品類型和投放網站類型的交互作用,對點擊率的影響顯著。最後,藉由事後分析和分組平均數比較的檢定,本研究將會提出各廣告產品類型適合投放的網站類型,做為未來橫幅廣告投放的建議。
This study suggests that the click-through rate of banner advertisement is affected by the interaction between advertisement types and website types. In this research, advertisement types are divided into five categories, and website types are divided into six categories. The research data is adopted from ADqoo, and the analyzing method is hierarchical linear model (HLM). The result shows that the relationship between click-through rate and advertisement type of banner advertisement is moderated by website types. Hense, through the simple effect analysis and mean comparisons, this study would propose suitable website types for each banner advertisement with different advertisement type.