Title: 台灣服務業之總要素能源效率
Total-factor Energy Efficiency of Taiwan’s Service Industries
Authors: 婁子開
Keywords: 資料包絡分析法 (DEA);總要素能源效率 (TFEE);純粹技術效率;能源密集度;Data envelopment analysis (DEA);Total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE);Pure technical efficiency;Energy consumption per economic value
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 能源是國家經濟發展不可或缺的要素之一,也是各個產業所務必投入的要素以支撐企業的發展。本文利用資料包絡分析法 (Data Envelopment Analysis ;簡稱DEA) 為研究方法,以台灣服務業部門2001年至2008年間的資料,計算出純粹技術效率及能源投入目標,並計算出總要素能源效率指標來評估服務業部門的能源效率是否良好。本論文採取以投入導向、變動規模報酬模型,選取實質GDP為產出變數,資本投入、就業人數、能源消費量為投入變數。研究結果顯示:最有效率的服務業部門為金融保險及不動產業,總要素能源效率平均值為0.994;最無效率的產業為批發及零售業,總要素能源效率平均值為0.448。此外,本研究比較總要素能源效率值與純粹技術效率,得知部分產業在能源的使用上相較於其他資源投入是較無效率的。同時,本研究也利用總要素能源效率指標來和傳統上用來評估能源效率的能源密集度指標之間做比較。
Energy is an indispensable input in economic development. Each industry must consume energy to provide good and services. This study computes and analyzes the pure technical efficiency and energy input target of service industries in Taiwan for the period 2001-2008 by using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. Thee total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE) service divisions in Taiwan are also computed. The input-oriented and variable-returns-to-scale DEA model is employed. There are three inputs (labor, capital stock, and energy consumption) and a single output (real value added) in the DEA model. The most efficient service division is the ‘finance, insurance and real estate’, which has an average TFEE of 0.994. The wholesale and retail trade division is the most inefficient, which has an average TFEE of 0.448. The TFEE scores and traditional energy intensities have significantly low rank correlations.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文