標題: 音樂與情緒控制-以北區連鎖咖啡店為例
Music and Emotional Control - Employees in Multiple Coffee Shops of Northern Taiwan as an example
作者: 蔡宗霖
關鍵字: 情緒勞務;情緒失調;情緒耗竭;情緒控制;背景音樂;服務業;motional labour;emotional dissonance;emotional exhaustion;emotional control;background music;service section
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究旨在了解咖啡廳員工對於工作環境中的背景音樂知覺程度,是否能對因情緒勞務所產生的情緒失調、情緒耗竭兩項負面效果達到舒緩的作用。除此之外,並加入另一個情緒控制之概念,探討員工對於工作環境中的背景音樂知覺程度,是否能改變員工對於情緒勞務的認知。本研究更進一步探討其它控制變數對於受測對象的情緒失調、情緒耗竭、情緒控制等變數的影響。 本研究問卷採用問卷法蒐集資料,以位於台北市及桃園縣市的兩不同品牌連鎖咖啡店員工為調查對象,最後回收的有效問卷為152份。本研究參考學者專家過去的量表作為本研究之工具,並與文獻探討相對照作為依據,經過統計分析後,得出以下研究假設成立結果: 1. 音樂旋律完整性的辨識程度越高,越能夠舒緩情緒失調。 2. 音樂旋律完整性的辨識程度越高,越能改變員工對情緒勞務的認知。 3. 年齡對情緒控制有影響。 4. 一天工作時數對情緒耗竭有影響。 根據上述結果,本研究提出研究結論、限制與建議,供服務業經營者以及未來研究者參考。本研究探討之主題尚屬新穎,並期待研究結果能為日後相關主題的研究提供一個方向。
This paper investigates the Effect of music on emotional dissonance, emotional exhaustion, and emotional control while work of employees in two different multiple coffee shops. Besides, we also use other control variables mentioned in this paper to investigate their effect on emotional dissonance, emotional exhaustion, and emotional control. In this research, we sample employees from two different multiple coffee shops in Taipei and Taoyuan county through questionnaire, with 152 questionnaires being valid. In this study, we use some scholars’ scales as a tool and with past researches as a basis; tested our hypothesis through statistical analysis, and below are the findings: 1. With more notice of background music while work , does improve the state of emotional dissonance of employees. 2. With more notice of background music while work, does help changing views of emotional labour of employees. 3. Age of employees does affect their emotional control. 4. Working hours a day does affect the state of emotional exhaustion of employees. Based on our research procedures and conclusion, we point out some restrictions of this study and provide directions for future research.