標題: 財務策略如何帶來併購之雙贏? 以元太科技併購E Ink之個案為例
How does financial strategy help to provide a win-win merger and acquisition solution? The case of PVI and E Ink
作者: 王郁晴
Wang, Yu-Ching
關鍵字: 併購;電子紙顯示器產業;倒三角合併;可轉換特別股;綜效;Merger and acquisitio;EPD industry;Reverse triangular merger;Convertible preferred shares;Synergy
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究藉由分析元太科技於2009年購併E Ink一案,探討其購併之動機、評估及財務策略是如何帶來併購之雙贏。元太科技(PVI)原為一家中小尺寸面板製造商,2005年5月購併Philips電子紙顯示部門後,成為全球少數具有量產電子紙顯示器技術及經驗之廠商。然而關鍵性的電子紙墨水材料技術仍由E Ink所掌握。2009年6月,元太科技提出以美金2.15億元現金與E Ink簽署購併合約並取得100%股權,然而由於景氣復甦、市場後趨樂觀,加上國際平面顯示器大廠亦進行出價,元太科技在面對E Ink股東要求追加購併金額的壓力下,於2009年9月以1.2億股可轉換特別股的方式作為加碼。對於元太科技來說,併購E Ink可使其加強對電子紙顯示器供應鏈上下游之控制,因而絕對是勢在必行;而對E Ink之原始股東來說,以可轉換特別股的方式加碼,可讓其共享合併後公司的經營成果。此創新之併購財務策略讓交易雙方能共謀其利,而併購所產生之綜效更讓元太科技領先於同產業的公司。
Based on the merger and acquisition of PVI with E Ink, this case study analyzes how financial strategy facilitates a win-win merger and acquisition agreement and explores synergies of the case. PVI, a leading provider of small and medium display and the top electronic paper module maker in the world, announced its merger agreement with E Ink, the leader in electronic paper display (EPD), for US$215 million in June, 2009. Three months later, considering the explosive growth of the E-reader market and profit of E Ink’s shareholders, PVI amended its merger agreement and added 120 million convertible preferred shares. On the one hand, through acquisition of E Ink, PVI completely takes control of upstream electronic ink technology and downstream EPD module of the supply chain. On the other hand, according to the amendment, E Ink’s original shareholders are allowed to share the future growth of the combined company. This innovative merger deal benefits both sides of the case and brings multiple synergies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis