标题: 产业内互动关系与信用传染
Intra-industry interaction and credit contagion
作者: 林哲铭
Lin, Che-Ming
Lee, Hang-Hsing
关键字: 信用传染;产业内互动关系;策略竞争;产业层面财务危机;credit contagion;Intra-Industry Interaction;Strategic Competition;Industry-Wide Financial Crisis
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 在本篇论文中,我们使用三种不同的变数来衡量产业内的互动关系检视其是否会影响公司的破产机率,并尝试以这些变数来解释产业内信用传染。三种产业变数分别为: Sundaram, et al (1996)所定义的策略竞争测度来衡量公司所面对的策略竞争方式;利用同产业内所有公司的违约距离的平均数做为产业面财务危机的变数;以及公司与同产业内公司的股票报酬率相关系数做为衡量公司财务相关性的变数。我们利用 Duan, et al (2010) 中的远期违约的强度来分析这些产业内的互动关系对违约机率是否有显着影响。由实证的结果可以得知产业层面的财务危机以及公司间的财务相关性,都对公司的破产机率有显着影响,可以用以解释产业内的信用传染现象。
In this paper, we examine the effect of intra-industry interaction between firms on credit risk, and three different kinds of intra-industry interaction measures are considered in our  empirical study. We apply the Competitive strategic measure (CSM) of Sundaram, et al (1996) to capture the strategic interaction faced by firms. We also consider the measure of industry-wide financial distress and the measure of equity correlations. We use the forward intensity approach of Duan, et al (2010) to examine if these industry measures can affect default intensity. Our empirical results suggest that intra-industry contagion effect may be characterized by the level of industry-wide financial distress or equity correlations among firms.