标题: 从阅读动机探讨电子书阅读器之情绪设计因素
A Study of the Emotional Design Factors of E-reader: From the Perspect of Reading Motivation
作者: 林佑全
Lin, Yu-Chuan
Lee, Jim Jiunde
关键字: 电子书阅读器;阅读动机;情绪设计;本能层次;行为层次;反思层次;e-reader;reading motivation;emotional design;visceral level;behavioral level;reflective level
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 2009年,Amazon网路书店推出第一台Kindle电子书阅读器之后,掀起全球的电子书热潮而引爆阅读革命,无论是出版业、电子、电信业龙头皆纷纷抢进此新兴电子书市场,美国Google更明确表示,无论是智慧型手机、Netbook或专用阅读器,只要是可以连结上网站的装置,Google就能够提供电子书服务。2010年在Apple推出iPad风迷全球后,其复制iPhone与iPod上完美的使用者经验,不但可阅读电子书,亦具备无线上网、拨放音乐、欣赏影片、录音录影、玩游戏、进行社交网路活动等多媒体互动功能,更点燃全球各大软硬体厂商竞相投入彩色平板电脑开发之风潮。因此,目前市面上主流的两种电子书阅读器分别为以Kindle为首、以电子墨水(e-ink)为显示科技的专用阅读器;以及以Apple i-Pad为主、具有高解析度彩色萤幕及多媒体功能的平板电脑为主。

有鉴于未来电子书阅读器的高度发展性,瞭解目前使用者的使用现况和需求,以及设计出更好的电子书阅读器成为重要的发展议题。本研究以问卷调查法,搜集320位电子书使用者资料,从中找出目前台湾的电子书阅读器使用近况;本研究并试图以阅读动机(reading motivation)作为切入点,探讨不同阅读动机的使用者在情绪设计(emotional design)三层次(本能层次、行为层次、反思层次)上的情绪感受。以及三个层次中彼此是否如同Norman所言,具有互相影响的作用存在。

经过统计分析之后发现,在电子书的使用状况上,目前的使用者多数倾向于使用平板电脑作为阅读电子书之载具,其中又以Apple i-Pad为最大比例的电子书阅读器(62%);在阅读行为上,不同阅读动机的使用者在“阅读时间”和“阅读类型”上有差异发生,而“阅读频率”和“阅读地点”则没有差异;情绪设计三层次的情绪感受上,不同阅读动机的使用者在“行为层次”上有显着差异发生,“本能层次”和“反思层次”则未发生差异;另外,情绪设计三层次在电子书阅读器上有互相影响的效果存在,其中以“本能层次”对其他层次的影响最大。


The introduction of first ever Kindle e-book reader by Amazon in 2009 triggered a global e-book fever and ignited the reading revolution. Leaders in publication, electronics, and telecommunication industries have all rushed to this emerging e-book market. Google has even further stated that it can provide e-book service for all devices with an internet connection such as smartphones, Netbook, or a dedicated reader. The globally well-received iPad introduced by Apple in 2010 has copied the perfect user experiences of iPhone and iPod, where users can not only read e-book, but also have access to various multimedia functions such as wireless internet connection, music/video playback, video/audio recording, gaming, and social-networking. It has pushed forth the global trend of all major hardware and software companies in the world rushing into the development of color Tablet PC. Therefore, the two kinds of mainstream e-book readers currently on the market are the dedicated reader based on e-ink display technology led by Kindle, and the Tablet PC with high definition color displace and multimedia functions led by the Apple iPad

In light of the huge potential for future e-book development, it has become an important subject to understand the situation and needs of usage among current users, and to design a better e-book reader. In this study we used the questionnaire method to collect data of 320 e-book users in order to find out the recent status of the usage of e-book readers in Taiwan. In this study we also tried to use reading motivation as independent variable to explore the emotions of users with different reading motivations at three levels of emotional designs (Visceral level, Behavioral level, Reflective level), and whether or not these three levels are influencing each other as indicated by Norman.

Based on the statistic analysis, we find that most e-book users have been leaning towards using Tablet PC as the e-book reading device, with Apple i-Pad as the most frequently used e-book reader (62%). In terms of reading behavior, there is a significant difference in “reading time” and “reading type” among users of different reading motivations, but there is no difference in “reading frequency” and “reading location”. In terms of the emotions of three emotional design levels, there is a significant difference in “behavioral level” among users with different reading motivations, while there is no difference in “visceral level” and “reflective level”. In addition, the three emotional design levels will influence each other when it comes to e-book readers, while the “visceral level” is the most influential among all levels.
Based on aforementioned results, in this study we described the current development status of e-book readers and we combined the research results with current design guidelines of e-book readers in order to propose suggestions for future design of e-book readers. As for the hypothesis which is yet to be proven, in this study we have also provided detailed and itemized explanations and possible causes.

Keywords: e-reader, reading motivation, emotional design, visceral level, behavioral level, relective level