DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHuang, JuWeien_US
dc.contributor.authorChuang, MingChuenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDeng, YiShinen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,由於交通工具的便利與普及化,人們逐漸離開家鄉就學與工作。對於在外居住的家人,家的意義從固定的家庭住所,逐漸變為一個移動的概念,而外宿者可透過居住經驗與社交生活來適應新的生活環境。為了能夠讓在外居住的家庭成員感受家的存在感而不會過於孤獨,本研究提出了"家庭歸屬感"(Homing)的概念,希望幫助外宿者在外居住時可透過不同型式的歸屬方式增加新住處與原生家庭的連結。為了形成通勤成員的家庭歸屬感(Homing),家庭意識與家庭識別度為主要建立家庭歸屬感的基礎。透過各個家庭各自的習慣與生活方式,家庭識別連結了家庭成員的過去與現在生活中的各種資訊,而家庭歸屬感(homing)則是把這些已知的家庭的資訊實踐到生活當中。當家庭成員離開原生的家到另一個環境之中時,可將家庭的資訊帶到新生活當中,讓新的生活與原生的家以資訊的方式相互連結,使新生活依然保有原生家庭的氣息,進而讓在外居住的成員更能適應新環境。 於資訊層面來看,家庭健康飲食資訊是最能突顯家庭識別的資訊之一,透過建立家庭資訊歸屬感的方式,本研究試圖整理出影響家庭健康飲食的因素,進而提出外宿者透過健康飲食資訊建立歸屬感的可能性。在過去的文獻當中,多數的健康相關研究著重於個人的健康記錄。在家庭方面,則偏向探討增進老人、小孩與家庭健康的關係,而對於外宿者與家庭健康的連結則鮮為人討論。為了增進在外居住的家人更快速的佈置家庭歸屬感於新的環境當中,本研究透過深度訪談法(In-depth Interview)進行使用者研究,分別調查七位在原生家庭的成員與四位在外通勤的家庭成員對於處理家庭健康飲食的原則以及處理方式。其次,透過親和圖法(Affinity Diagram)和工作模型(Work Models)整理歸納出家庭健康飲食的內容以及影響來源。 最終,本研究歸納出六項可喚起家庭意識的健康飲食資訊,分別為地理資訊的連結,家庭健康信仰,家庭健康事件,母親的角色,健康處理經驗和對健康的期許,進而探討家庭健康飲食資訊增進在外居住的家人家庭歸屬感的可能性。其次,本研究提出"資訊物件"(Information Artifacts)的概念來整理以及典藏家庭健康資訊。透過家庭食物資訊物件,長期健康照護資訊物件,以及生活作息的資訊物件,外宿者可以延續處理家庭資訊的原則,藉以形成家庭的歸屬感。另外,本研究也提供了設計師在針對家庭健康議題上的一些設計建議。透過適當的資訊分享,複製,以及連結周遭地理資訊的方式,設計師可透過家庭飲食健康的相關資訊,建立在外家庭成員的家庭歸屬感。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, a number of people live in mobile life and away from their family. The idea of home for mobile people is not a stationary location, but rather an experience along with the place where they stay. In order to feel more homely in new residence, mobile family member create the sense of belonging in certain place through the identity of their own families. Taking into account of domestic information, health and diet information are considered as one of the most valuable data to construct the sense of belonging for mobile people. To maintain the experience of belonging for mobile family member, the research seeks to build the idea for homing toward domestic health information. In the advances of technologies nowadays, research studies are now paying attention to personal or social health management, health reflection of elderly or children at home. However, it is a lack of investigation on how mobile family member create the belongingness to family through domestic health and diet information. To support mobile people construct the sense of belonging, the research firstly excavated comprehensive health information within family, and secondly retrieved the possibility of homing for mobile people. Based on the in-depth interview with family members, the research recruited participants included seven mothers, as the role of family member at home, and four children, as the role of mobile people. Though the analysis of affinity diagram and work models, the research explore how domestic health information being managed in family. From the understanding of results, several factors highlight the belongingness to family via health information, which are geographic health information, family health beliefs, the role of mothers in family, empirical practice of health, and health expectation. In order to put the idea for homing into practice, Food in family, Long-term Healthcare, and Daily Schedule are proposed as Information Artifact which help mobile people evoke the belongingness for family. Drawing attention to the possibility of homing, several implications have been proposed in research. Copying domestic health information, sharing appropriately is the consideration for distributed family to interchange information. Connecting geographically and maintaining daily Schedule are the idea to construct a relative position of health information for mobile people. These implications provide the insights in health management for designing technology for family.en_US
dc.subjectMobile Lifeen_US
dc.subjectDomestic Health Informationen_US
dc.subjectFamily Archiveen_US
dc.subjectDistributed familyen_US
dc.title歸屬感: 家庭健康飲食資訊的脈絡研究zh_TW
dc.titleHoming in Mobile Life: A Contextual Study of Domestic Information on Healthen_US


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