DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLin, Yi-Tingen_US
dc.contributor.authorChuang, Ming-Chuenen_US
dc.description.abstract適切的配色可以提高產品行銷魅力,而配色除了須考慮視覺美感,色彩意象也是一大重點。服裝設計是應用色彩上最直接也最顯見成效的領域,尤其是造形相對單純,著重在配色表現的色塊配色(color block)之服裝設計。由於這服裝設計手法造形通常單純,接近現代產品的造形,其所用的豐富配色手法似可轉用到產品設計上。然而這兩者色彩依附的載體不同,轉用時其呈現的色彩意象與引發的觀者偏好是否會有所不同?本研究為探討此問題,透過實驗量測同樣的配色在色票、時裝、手機三種載體呈現之色彩意象差異與偏好。實驗中由50位受試者針對所選出之12組配色在三種載體呈現之36個刺激,以12組意象形容詞對進行SD評估與偏好調查。 研究結果顯示,透過因子分析所得之三個載體的意象空間相似,皆由評價性因子、情感性因子及風格性因子三個因子所組成。同一配色的三種載體之刺激在整合意象空間的分布都很接近,亦即載體類型對配色意象的影響很小,且男性與女性受試者的感受差異也不大。其中載體間意象變化偏小的配色,以時裝造形簡單色彩分割明確,面積比偏向1:1的雙色配色之轉用為主;而轉用意象變化稍大的配色,服裝造形較為特殊,配色面積比差異大。在配色偏好方面,相同配色在不同載體的偏好度趨勢大約一致。配色面積比偏向1:1,柔和的粉色調(p)及淺色調(lt)雙色配色較受喜好;而配色面積分割較不均勻,鮮明色調(v)與鈍色調(d)為主之配色則偏好度偏低。男性與女性的偏好配色,差異也不大。三個載體偏好與意象關係的迴歸方程式很相近,皆只與輕柔性因子呈線性正比關係,亦即具此因子所包含之「輕巧」、「柔和」、「協調」及「輕鬆」意象的配色較受偏好。 本研究結論出配色在不同載體間,被感受的意象與偏好變化不大,因此確認可將服裝設計的豐富配色轉用到產品設計上。而本研究所歸結各配色的意象與偏好,應也能應用於設計上。本研究所提出探討配色在不同載體間意象與偏好差異的模式,則可作為相關研究的參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAppropriate color scheme can make products sale better. In addition to considering the visual effect, the color image is also an important factor in color scheme. In fashion design color scheme has been heavily and successfully applied; the “color block” with rich color combination on simple fashion form is an exemplar. Color block may also be successfully applied to modern products with simple form. However, on applying the desired color combination on fashion design to a product, as the objects rendering color are different, whether the felt image and preference on the product can be kept the same as on fashion or not is worthy to study. In order to explore this problem, this study conducted an experiment recruiting 50subjects to evaluate the image and preference, by a SD evaluation with 12 image scales, on 36 stimuli, the selected 12 color combinations render on three different types of objects, color card, clothing and smart phone, respectively. The similar three image spaces with the same three constituting factors for the color combinations on three different objects were yielded through factor analysis. It also showed that the stimuli of a color combination on three different objects were all closely distrusted in the integrated image space; it means that the types of objects for rendering color have little influence on felt image. The difference of felt image between male and female subjects is also small. Gentle color combinations with even color area and derived from fashion with simple form have small image variation across different type of objects, and vice versa. In terms of color preference, the degree of the same color combination in different objects is about the same. Gentle color combinations with even color area are more preferred, and vice versa. Male and female also show little difference on preference trend, but colorful color combinations seem to be more acceptable by male than by female. In addition, the result of regression analysis indicated that the color preference was linearly related with “light”, “soft”, “harmonious” and “relax” images. The result of this study implies that the “color block” successfully used in fashion design can be applied in product design. The color images and color preferences of the color combinations investigated in this study may also be applied in further designs. The model proposed in this study for studying the image of color combination in different types of objects can be referred in related studies.en_US
dc.subjectcolor combinationen_US
dc.subjectcolor blocken_US
dc.subjectcolor on objecten_US
dc.subjectcolor imageen_US
dc.subjectcolor preferencesen_US
dc.titleImage of Color Combination in Different Types of Objectsen_US


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