標題: 具童話故事意涵之家具設計
Furniture design with fairy tale
作者: 蔡斯遠
關鍵字: 童話故事;家具設計;魔法;幻想;工業設計;魔法寶物;fairy tale;Furniture design;fantasy;treasure
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本次設計創作試圖將家具轉換成具魔法寶物意象,以創造出童話故事的使用情境。試圖在家具的使用過程中,加入情感的元素,在家具使用過程中加入具故事性的互動,使生活更添樂趣。家具設計的演變與人類的生活型態息息相關,最早期的家具只是作為工具的角色,並滿足功能的需求。但現代社會中,心靈上的滿足在衣食逐漸無虞的當今社會是現代人更加重視的部分。家具必須更進一步地滿足使用者對於心理上的需求。目前家具設計領域中,已有一股新的潮流興起,而其與過往家具設計所不同的是更注重對於家具在使用過程中如何去滿足人們在情感層面上的需求。透過原有童話故事的文本,在產品設計中添加故事性,可讓使用者對於產品,產生不同與以往的全新使用經驗並產生全新的認知。藉此,使用者對產品產生情感的延伸。童話故事是全球性且跨年齡的共同記憶。將這眾所皆知的印象,運用在設計中,可讓家具在使用過程中,增加了情感互動,如此一來,家具不再是冷冰冰的工具,而是成為家中的重要成員。因此在本次創作當中,試圖將童話故事情節中所發生那些充滿想像,但無法存在於現實生活中魔法寶物的神奇魔力,經過一連串的刺激和轉化過程,帶入到家具設計當中。試圖透過這樣的方式,在日常生活當中,增添一點樂趣,讓生活更富變化,重新定義家具在家中所扮演的角色,並進而加以詮釋、呈現,最後以下列兩大方向作為設計發展主軸,發展出兩個符合童話故事中魔法寶物特性的家具設計: (1)以愛麗絲夢遊仙境中奇幻多變的世界觀為題,發展出令人疑惑又覺有趣的家具。 (2)以童話故事中,常見的詛咒與變身的概念,發展出具互動性的家具。 關鍵字:童話故事、家具設計、魔法、幻想。
My design aims to transform furniture into image of magical treasure, to create the scenario of fairy tale. In the process of using the furniture, the emotional element is added so that users can interact with the furniture storyful and to make life interesting. The development trend of furniture design is closely correlated with human life. In the early times, furniture is viewed as tools to fulfill its function. In modern life, modern people pay close attention to the contented mind. Furniture should satisfy the need of the user. There is a new trend in current furniture design, and to satisfy the emotional need. Through the context of the fairy tale, I add the element of story in the product design so that the users would have new experience and new cognitive toward the product. Users would have emotional brand extension. Fairy tale is global knowledge and global common sense across all ages. I take this impression of well known using at design can add emotional interaction in the course of use, as a result furniture is no more just a tool it become a family member. So I try to bring those magic treasure and power that only occur at fairy tales in to the design. Trying to increase variety in daily life and make it more enjoyable, and redefine the role that furniture play in houses through this way. Design by the following two aspects and develop two furnitures that coordinate magical treasure of fairytales. 1. Inspired by the fantastic views in Alice Wonderland, created the bewildering and interesting furniture. 2. I use Fairy tale that base around curses and metamorphosis to develop correlative furniture. Keyword: Fairy tale; Furniture design; Magic; Fantacy
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